The Marriage Ref aired again yesterday on NBC. The “refs” were Madonna, Ricky Gervais, and Larry David
Here’s my review:
Comments on The Golden’s from Merrick, New York– Is it okay for the wife to withhold sex from her husband unless he cleans up the room he uses in the basement?
What is going on here? The whole conversation around this episode was totally bizarro!!
I agree with the Marriage Ref Call here – the wife is wrong to withhold sex from her husband unless he cleans up his space in the basement. Withholding sex for anything is the beginning of a very slippery slope. You might want to check out my free relationship advice ezine@ www.drpattyann.com to read great information about sex and your relationship in my free articles. Enough said!
Comments on David & Susan Harper – Should David or Susan get rid of the “stuff” which reminds their partner of their prior marriages?
I can’t even remember the Marriage Ref’s call here with all the bantering going on.
Therefore, based upon Dr. Patty Ann’s relationship expertise, you should not have to get rid of prior belongings you had in your past relationships when you enter a new relationship– in general. Furniture is just furniture; having said that, if you can keep a very special item of a past relationship in your own private space – that might be a great compromise. You get to keep your sentimental items from a prior relationship – and your spouse doesn’t have to look at it if it makes them feel uncomfortable.
Folks, I have to call it a night! This show tonight is so ridiculous I would prefer to wait until next week to continue my comments – hoping I will have the opportunity to use next week’s “The Marriage Ref” show as a forum for sharing some of my relationship expertise. Tonight is just to out there!
Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,
Dr. Patty Ann