Has Sandra Bullock been blind sided by her husband? Oscar winning actress Sandra Bullock has reportedly dropped out of the London premiere of her award winning film “The Blind Side”. Sandra Bullock released the following statement through Warner Brothers: “Due to unforeseen personal reasons a trip abroad to support “The Blind Side” has been deemed impossible at this time. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your continued support of the film”.
Speculation abounds that Bullock’s marriage of 5 years to Jesse James is in turmoil due to his alleged affair with a “tattoo model” – Michelle Mc Gee (nicknamed the “Bombshell”). McGee has publicly claimed she had been engaged in a long-term affair with Bullock’s husband while the actress was away on-set filming “The Blind Side”.
It has been reported by People Magazine that Sandra Bullock has left the LA home she and her husband Jesse James shares.
Given the media frenzy dealing with infidelity, one might think Hollywood stars, professional athletes and politicians have cornered the market on this issue. The sad truth of the matter is that infidelity crosses all socio-economic, religious, racial and ethnic boundaries. Although the rich and famous monopolize the headlines with their escapades – they re-open old wounds for people who are not in the spotlight but have suffered the pain and humiliation of infidelity.
Infidelity represents the most serious breach of trust within the most committed relationship we can enter into it. It has lasting ramifications for all parties involved. Couples who have experienced infidelity can re-establish the trust in their relationship – but only after much pain, suffering and emotional work is done. Unfortunately, many couples cannot overcome the breach of trust which infidelity represents – and those marriages and families are, consequently, torn apart.
I have witnessed all this turmoil during my work as a relationship expert –and the emotional devastation infidelity brings upon a couple is heart-wrenching! It really behooves us to think before we act in such an egregious manner! If your relationship is not what you want it to be – do something about it. Communicate your feelings to your partner or seek the help of a relationship expert; but engaging in an act of infidelity does nothing but further complicate everyone’s life!
Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,
Dr. Patty Ann