3 Simple Tips to Re-Kindle the Love in Your Relationship

Most brides and grooms say “I Do” with all the love and sincerity these vows call for. And as we all know, it is only a matter of time before the honeymoon is over. The love is still there but the head-over-heels feeling gets buried underneath this thing called life: our jobs, the kids, the house, the bills, etc. If you are looking to re-kindle the love and romance you felt on your wedding day, follow these three simple tips below.

  1. Prioritize your relationship in both your words and your actions. Take the time to schedule alone time with your significant other every week and don’t allow anything else to erase this time off your calendar. Time spent together doesn’t have to involve doing anything fancy or expensive together. Being together is the goal – not the activity!

  2. Communicate effectively and consistently with your partner. Never before have we had so many ways to communicate using technology. We can email, Facebook, IM, chat on-line, text, Skype, etc.; yet, never before have we been so disconnected from each other. Although these forms of communication are a great way for staying in touch and keeping ourselves current on each other’s schedule, it is critical to remember that nothing replaces the old school method of communicating like a face-to-face conversation. Therefore, remember to communicate with your partner – in person – as frequently as possible. We can exchange words through technology but we cannot effectively exchange our feelings more profoundly than a face-to-face conversation. Note: the more emotionally charged an issue is, the more imperative it is we discuss the issue face to face, and not rely on technology.

  3. Be quick to “let it go”. Anyone who has heard me speak knows I talk about asking yourself if it’s more important to be right about something – or to be in the relationship. In other words, even if you are absolutely convinced you are right about an issue – and you cannot convince your partner that you are right – then you need to make a decision. Do you beat the issue to death – killing a little bit of love and affection in your relationship along the way OR do you decide to let it go and perhaps respectfully agree to disagree – or just drop it all together? The choice is yours: be right or be together?

Hoping you make the month of June a time to re-kindle the love and romance in your relationship!

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann

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