In today’s highly competitive global environment, cultivating and nurturing high-performing teams is no longer a choice but a necessity for success. Companies with high-performing teams will overcome challenges and seize opportunities with more speed, agility, and confidence than companies lacking them. They are, in fact, the drivers of innovation, productivity, and long-term growth for every competitive and successful company.
Following are five specific and highly effective strategies for creating and sustaining high-performing teams within your company.
1. Foster and Nurture a Shared Vision and Purpose
High-performing teams are aligned around their company’s compelling vision and shared purpose, creating a sense of unity and meaning for all team members. In other words, all for one and one for all.
2. Insure Open, Honest, and Candid Communications
Create and support a healthy company culture built around open, honest, and candid conversations, active listening, and empathic and constructive feedback within and between teams. Leverage the use of this healthy culture to facilitate seamless and timely information sharing, decision-making and collaboration.
3. Promote Collaboration and Diversity
High-performing teams not only create but actively promote an inclusive environment that values diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds. Everyone in high-performing teams feel included, heard, and valued. High-performing teams also encourage cross-functional collaboration that allows them to tap into a variety of talents and skill sets that foster innovative and creative thinking.
4. Nurture Trust
Trust is an essential aspect of all healthy and successful business relationships; it’s promoted by transparency, integrity, and respect for all team members. With the cultivation of trust, team members are willing to take risks, share ideas, express vulnerabilities, and admit and learn from failures without fear of judgment.
5. Invest in Professional Development and Recognition
Companies with High-performing teams know when you take care of (invest) your team members – they will take care of your customers.
Provide opportunities, of both time and money, for continuous learning, skill development, and growth for all team members.
Recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements, reinforcing a positive and motivating work environment. Many times, employees only hear from leadership when there is a complaint or problem. We are all human; we all love to hear praise – so give praise when praise is due. You will be amazed at how far it will go towards sustaining high-performing individuals, who make up high-performing teams.
By embracing these five highly effective strategies for creating and nurturing high-performing teams, you’ll propel your company towards a future of unrivaled success. Your company will outperform its competitors, deliver exceptional results, and enjoy a high retention rate of team members.
Dr. Patty Ann