Entrepreneurs need to be visionaries, innovators, and most importantly, leaders. Without good leadership, a business is often doomed to fail. In this episode, Patty Ann Tublin interviews Jayson Lowe, the founder of Ascendant Financial Inc. as they discuss the need for leadership in an organization. Jayson shares the experiences that formed his core beliefs and what drove him to lead as an entrepreneur. Tune in and learn more about entrepreneurship and leadership.
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The Virtues Of Leadership In Business With Jayson Lowe
Welcome to another episode. Remember, I know you are going to love this episode, so don’t forget to like, comment, share and subscribe. I have a treat for you with our guest. His name is Jayson Lowe, a Canadian from up North who is an incredible entrepreneur, speaker, leader, and all-around awesome guy but rather than hear it from me, buckle up, and let’s have Jayson take us for a ride.
Welcome, Jayson.
It’s great to be with you. That’s a very kind introduction. Sincerely, thank you.
You are absolutely welcome. I really didn’t do you justice, so why don’t you give us the Reader’s Digest version of everything you have accomplished in your life? You had such an interesting journey, and I will give the readers a teaser. There was bankruptcy involved. I’m sure that got everybody’s attention from a Google financial guy.
I will take you back to when I was a toddler. I was born and raised in Timmins, Ontario, a small mining and forestry community. Your readers might be familiar with Shania Twain, the country music singing sensation. Her real name’s Eilleen. We grew up in Timmins together. She was a little older than me but I went to school with her brothers, Mark and Chris. We used to hang out at her place, and she would be writing and playing her songs on the acoustic guitar. She sounded incredible without any stage performance. The raw talent was off the hook amazing.
Most people see her as the elegant, amazing superstar that she is but she loves more than anybody to get on a four-wheeler and go mud bogging. That’s when you are on a four-wheel recreational vehicle, ripping through the mud and having a great time getting soaked. She still does. She loves the outdoors and being in the forest. She’s an all-around amazing person.
That’s great info to know because it makes her more like us.
She is truly down to Earth. She would love to go hang out, chat with you, and go fishing all day than being on a stage performing in front of 80,000 screaming fans. Growing up in that community was amazing. I was a toddler during the early 1980s when inflation skyrocketed, and interest rates peaked at 21.5%. My parents argued about money all the time. My dad was already away from home a lot working, his solution to the problem was to work more. I developed my workaholic addiction from observing my father. He would work six days a week and was gone dawn until late in the evening.
What did he do, Jayson?

He was a Regional Assessment Officer for the Federal Government. He had the warm and fuzzy privilege of assessing tax rates on commercial properties. People loved to see him. He was a musician in the evening. He played guitar in a band and sang every night of the week, with the exception of Sundays. He would start work before 8:00 AM and wouldn’t get home until after 2:00 AM. He did this for years.
How many children are in your family?
It’s just myself and my older sister.
What’s the age gap?
She’s a year older than me.
At least you had each other.
Yes. We literally had to raise each other, and that teaches you a lot, especially from a very early age. Children have a much higher degree of neuroplasticity than adults do, which is why it’s so advantageous to learn a new language at such a young age. We learned how to get by. There were no silver spoons in our home. We barely made ends meet. I will never forget what my father taught me. I can close my eyes and see it. I remember during the summer, our friends would ride around on their BMX pedal bikes.
I wanted to have one of these bicycles so badly because all my friends had one. I said to my dad, “I want one of these bikes.” He said, “I want you to go to the front window, look outside and tell me what your friends are doing with their bikes.” Sure enough, they were jumping over wooden ramps and dropping their bikes on the pavement. He said, “Do you see how they are treating those bikes?” I said, “Yes.”
Always appreciate the value of a dollar. A surefire way to gain that appreciation is to work for that dollar.
He said, “I want you to look up and down the street. If you want one of those bicycles, there’s a lawnmower in the shed. Get the lawnmower out, start knocking on doors and earn money to buy it. I promise you, as sure as you are standing there, you will out spit shining your bike every single day while your friends are treating it like someone else bought it for them.” He told me to always appreciate the value of a dollar and the surefire way to gain that appreciation was to work for it. I have never forgotten that.
Did you do that?
Yes, I did.
How long did it take you to get your bike?
It took me more than the summer. I didn’t get it that summer but I did appreciate it when I did. That was the work ethic that my father instilled in me. Even though he was away so much and had a ferocious temper, he didn’t like to talk much other than to give you coaching or wisdom, if you will.
Was that difficult for you to have him be nonverbal other than when he was upset?
Yes, extremely. I had the opportunity in my early twenties to relocate to Western Canada. When I graduated from college, I was recruited by Staples Business Depot, which in the United States as Staples, the office superstore. We were opening about 26 new stores a year at that time, so we were expanding rapidly in Canada.
Is it a Canadian company?

No. For trivia, Staples purchased a controlling interest in the business depot in Canada, and that’s how it became Staples, the business depot. It is an amazing business story. Tom Stenberg and how he grew that company is remarkable.
I don’t know that story. Can you tell us a little bit?
In coming up with the vision for this business, he had to print some documents. He had been fired from a job and was printing a resume but he ran out of ink. It was late in the evening. He didn’t have anywhere to go to buy it, so he thought to himself, “There needs to be a retailer that has this ink cartridge available at this time of night.” It’s amazing what happens. A light bulb went off, and fast forward to many years later, Staples became one of the most profitable international office supply retailers in the world.
I had the opportunity to work with that organization in a variety of leadership capacities, and I was coached and mentored by some amazing people. We were a low-cost operator. I learned the importance of making sure that you are running a business where your revenue grows at a faster rate than your OPEX does.
It’s Phase 2 of what your dad taught you. Phase 1 was the lawnmower, and Phase 2 was the Staples.
I had an opportunity to relocate out West to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and it’s a beautiful part of Canada. The Rocky Mountains are a couple of hours away. I fell in love with this part of the country the moment I saw it. I had the chance to move out West, and I did. A few years after moving here, I was recruited by Dell. I’ve got to lead a team of people that came to work and talked about technology all day long. It was an incredible experience. Joe Polish of the Genius Network refers to it as the domino effect if you think of the first domino falling with my dad’s guidance, his wisdom, and then all of these dominoes falling in my journey of learning, growing, and preparing me to be an entrepreneur.
Just so people know, Jayson and I met through the Genius Network.
What an amazing network that is. We had the opportunity to move to the United States to complete an international work assignment. I was essentially invited to partake in what Dell referred to as the Executive Leadership Mentoring Program at that time, where someone on the leadership team that reported directly to Michael Dell had to sponsor you to be a part of this Executive Leadership Mentoring Program. You had to spend a minimum of three years in the program. It was essentially to groom and develop you into opportunities for more leadership responsibility in the business.
You can’t succeed as a team in a leadership capacity, in a coaching capacity, unless you love your players.
I had the opportunity to go to either Salt Lake City, Phoenix, or Tampa, Florida. Tampa, Florida was the worst-performing network. Part of the support that Dell provides to its commercial customers, Tampa was the worst of breed in all the metrics that they managed. It couldn’t get any worse. However, when I contrast that with Phoenix and Salt Lake, they were two of the best performing centers in the support network. I said, “I’m going to fly to Tampa first.”
Why did you want to take on that challenge?
When I’ve got to Tampa, I met with the existing leadership team and said, “I want you to call an all-hands meeting.” I want to meet with about 64 team members in the center at that time. I’ve got everybody together and said, “It’s no secret. I’m visiting here from Canada to determine whether or not this is where I want to relocate to.” Moving two blocks away is one thing. Relocating into another country is another altogether.
I said, “I’m here with the task of either fixing or closing this center. I’m going to leave the room now and give you all the time you need to decide which 1 of those 2 options you want but you’ve got to pick one before I leave.” I went to the security guy at the front of the contact center and said, “How do I get my hands on one of those badges with my picture on it because I only had a visitor badge.” He said, “I’m not supposed to give that to anybody unless they are employed here at the center.” I said, “Trust me, if this works, you will know why. If it doesn’t, I will give it back to you at the end of the day before I fly out.”
He says, “Come with me.” We get a picture badge done, and I stick it into my pocket. One of the leaders comes out and says, “We are ready to talk to you again.” I came back into the room and said, “What’s it going to be?” Everybody said, “We want to fix it.” I took the visitor badge off. I dropped it on the floor. I took my picture badge, clipped it to my belt and I said, “This is where I’m going to be.” Everybody clapped and cheered. It was an amazing moment. They were like, “We are going to do it.” I said, “You’ve got my full unconditional support. I’m going to take the hill with you. I’m going to be right there alongside you. If you fall, I will pick you up. If I fall, you pick me up.”
This is a show that talks about the power of relationships. Explain to the readers why you did what you said you did. It was brilliant. Even though you had gone through three years of training, there’s absolutely something innate about you as a person that loves people that connect and resonate with them. Help the readers duplicate what you did by giving them some type of a template or blueprint for whatever they are doing.
Two things. One, you’ve got to see the people, and then you have to trust your instincts. When I met with some leaders, I knew that I could believe in them and wanted the challenge. I didn’t want the best-performing center. That wasn’t going to challenge me. I knew that I had the right people, for the most part, the people that I had interacted with but I also knew that there was way more potential. I could see it, and I knew exactly how to draw it out. When I met with the site leader, I said, “I’ve got to call and tell my boss that I’m not going to Salt Lake and Phoenix.” I called my boss. Robert picked up the phone, and I said, “I have made my decision. I’m staying in Tampa.”
He said, “You haven’t even been there a day yet. How could you make that decision? You are supposed to be heading to Salt Lake and Phoenix to meet with the teams there. Why now? Why the decision?” I explained to him what I shared with you. He said, “You passed the test,” and hung up on me. We took that center in less than two years from the worst-performing center in the entire line of business to the best-performing center across all metrics. Our team grew from 64 people to more than 700.

What were three concrete things you did that account for that skyrocketing growth?
I helped paint the picture of what accountability looks like. People pay lip service to that word. You can’t ever succeed as a team in a leadership capacity and coaching capacity unless you love your players, and I love my players.
Having said that, there must have been some plays that you showed the door to.
My responsibility is to make sure that, for lack of better description, I put the best team on the field to win. If you are not showing up to practice, buy into the playbook because there’s no individual playbook. It’s only a team playbook, and if you are here asking what we are going to do for you versus what you are going to do for your teammates, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
That takeaway is awesome for readers. If you hear people constantly coming to you, what about me? There’s no I in a team. It’s accountability.
Number two is I told them all, “We are either going to win or learn together.” I only came here to win. If anybody doesn’t want to win, now is your chance to push the eject button. I’m telling you as sure as we are all standing here. If you say you are with me, you need to understand what that commitment means. We are going to play to win for each other. If you have an agenda and it doesn’t prioritize the team, you won’t fit in here. You are going to stand out like a sore thumb quick.”
I will share this with you. I’ve got some great stories. I hope it’s okay to share them with your readers because we haven’t even gotten to the entrepreneur part yet. This was a contact center where people were on the phones talking to some very large customers and providing them with resolution support to technical problems that they were having. The first day that I was onsite to get to work and win, I picked a random team out on the floor.
I took my headphones and said, “I’m here to wire jack you.” That’s what the technical term is. You can plug into a call and listen to calls. Everybody was staring at me as if I had landed on the planet Mars. These folks are asking me, “How do you do that? I’m not sure how to do that.” I said, “Let me show you.” I plugin and start listening to calls. I’m purposely catching people doing things right. I’m immediately coaching when I identify something that will impact the customer’s experience. I would always ask, after getting off a few calls, I would say, “Patty, how often is your team leader sitting in on listening to calls with you?” They were like, “I didn’t even know you could do that.”
Get the team in a huddle, show them how to do it, show them what done right looks like. Let them know that you will never accept any deviation from the standard ever.
I met with the team leaders and said, “If we are worst of breed in every metric and you know that we are worst to breed in every metric, tell me what you think needs to be fixed?” I started hearing all of the levers of my dad used to say to me, “Excuses don’t explain, and explanations don’t excuse.” Don’t bother with either one of them. I shared the very same thing with my teammates. After I heard all the excuses and explanations, I asked, “How do you know you are right?”
I have spent hours listening to calls. We have a quality control team here that is listening to calls all day long. The people who should most importantly be listening to calls, all of you aren’t. How soon do you want to fix that? What do you think the impact is going to be? If we continually catch people doing things right and we recognize them for it, shockingly, they are going to keep doing those things right because they know they are right.
For the things that they are not doing right, we’ve got a playbook. If they are not running the play and not running it properly, and you know that they’ve got the skillset to do it, for heaven sakes, coach them. Show them how to do it and what done right looks like. Let them know that you will never ever accept any deviation from the standard. When somebody deviates even slightly from a standard, the next deviation gets easier. The one after that get easier and so on.
There are so many other stories I could share but I will tell you when you are a coach and you truly want to see your team win, you’ve got to love your players. Sometimes love means you know when to kick and when to hug. For lack of better description or analogy, when I step out onto the field, I’m the first one there, I’m the last one to go, and I want to catch you doing things right. Your teammates want to catch you doing things right.
Would you say that was critical to the success of the store listening in on the calls or was that one of many?
That demonstrated to our teammates that we care enough to provide you with feedback. In terms of accountability, you can either lean into it or buck against it. If you lean into it, you are going to get better. If you buck against it, you are not going to make progress. That’s a signal that it’s not in the work environment. You are setting and establishing standards, helping people win, and achieve victories.
You are there to help them through the setbacks and the obstacles by reminding them of what victory feels like. You never ever leave anybody behind or let anybody down, and you lead by example. There’s no job that’s beneath you. For me, I don’t know how to coach, mentor or lead any other way. I’ve got this ambition, perseverance and grit. I promise you, and you are going to get better if you believe that you can, as much as I believe you can.
We are living in Tampa, Florida. It’s a beautiful community. We still have many dear friends there. It’s an amazing place to live and work. We’ve got pregnant with our firstborn. My wife was working at the Moffitt Cancer Center. She was a nurse here in Canada and then was hired by the Moffitt Cancer Center. She said, “I want to move back to Canada and be closer to my sister,” because she was pregnant with her third child at that time.

Her sister or your wife?
Her sister. We were pregnant with our firstborn, and I said, “Let’s move back to Canada.” There wasn’t an opportunity with Dell back in Canada for me. I sat down with Rebecca and said, “If I’m going to take this progressive step forward and become an entrepreneur, I’ve got to do it now.” I will never forget it. She said, “You’ve got my unconditional support.”
Jayson, there’s a gap you need to fill in because you went from leading your team to becoming an entrepreneur. What made you shift from being so successful in leadership in a corporation to wanting to become an entrepreneur?
When I’ve got back to Canada, I had this urge to build something from nothing and test myself. I believed that I could do it. I thought to myself, “If you can look at a bunch of teammates and tell them that you are going to help them achieve their potential, provided they believe in it as much as you see it, then for heaven sakes lead by example.” I talked to Rebecca, and she said, “You’ve got my unconditional support.” That’s where my entrepreneurial journey began. I will never forget my first year as an entrepreneur.
What was your business?
I have always loved finance and numbers. I’m very fascinated by it. I was investing in real estate at the time. A fellow who was selling properties in the development that I was investing in said, “You should meet this guy, who’s also an investor in these units. You guys are always talking about finance, financial planning, and all this other stuff. You should get together and meet each other.” We did. I asked him, “What are you doing? What business are you in?” He said, “I’m a financial planner but one of our core businesses is debt counseling. We meet with families that are struggling financially.
We help them through that part of their lives and get them on a better path forward and a new beginning.” That resonated with me immediately because it brought me back to those childhood memories of when my mom and dad were fighting about money all the time. They ended up separating, and the primary cause of that was financial problems. They had nobody to lead them through that, mentor them or coach them through it.
I said, “This is what I want to do.” That’s where I began my journey as an entrepreneur. I became a registered insolvency counselor. I was meeting with families every single day. When I saw young children present in those meetings, you could see the look on their faces. It took me back to when I was a toddler, and it broke my heart.
Money doesn’t buy happiness, but poverty doesn’t buy anything at all.
The second best-selling book I wrote is titled Money Can Buy You Happiness. It’s from the happiness perspective that it gives you choices and opportunities that are otherwise close to you. 1 of 2 reasons why couples get divorced, it’s either sex or money, depending upon the research you do at the moment because love does not pay the rent. I am passionate about, especially for women, teaching them to empower them with money because there’s nothing sexy about being poor.
It’s very true. Money doesn’t buy you happiness but poverty doesn’t buy anything at all. When I looked back at the end of that first year, after all expenses were paid, my net income after providing for my family, keeping a roof over our head was a whopping $186. There were many times, those first few years when we would look around the house for money, so Rebecca and I could order a pizza, and that was the best-tasting pizza ever. There has never been pizza like it since. We still talk about it to this day. I met my mentor, the late R Nelson Nash, a few years after I began my journey as an entrepreneur. I was blessed beyond the definition of good fortune to be mentored by him until he passed in March of 2019.
Would you say he was the most influential mentor in your case? I know you have had many.
Hands down, and commissioned the documentary on him. It’s available for the world to see. There’s no cost to view it. Your readers can view it. This is Nelson Nash is the name of the film. Readers can watch it on YouTube or go to the website, NelsonNashFilm.com. It’s a one-hour documentary. It will give you a deeper glimpse into the essence of how incredible this man was.
I was blessed beyond the definition of a good fortune to have crossed paths with him. I don’t believe it was a coincidence. Both my parents passed away unexpectedly, my father shortly after I moved out West, and my mom a few short years later. Having Nelson in my life, I owe him a debt of gratitude that I can never repay. He had such a remarkable impact on me professionally and personally.
Can you share one pearl of wisdom he shared with you that has made such a difference for you?
He often said that there’s no such thing as having arrived in knowledge. There’s always something new to learn. If you feel that you have arrived, meaning you have learned everything there is to know, and there isn’t anything new that someone can teach you, and you have lost your inspiration to receive something new. It’s all downhill from here.
It’s a little crazy. Quite frankly, if you think that there’s nothing new to learn, you are nuts.

I had so many amazing times and moments with him. He developed the process of becoming your own banker, the Infinite Banking Concept, and wrote the book Becoming Your Own Banker, Building Your Warehouse of Wealth, and The Case for IBC.
The IBC stands for?
It’s Infinite Banking Concepts. The first book he wrote, titled Becoming Your Own Banker, sold more than 500,000 copies, and it’s self-published. There’s a reason because the process works. This is what we have been specializing in but we now have a group of companies. I’m a self-confessed workaholic. It’s a public society that accepts addiction. I did take a six-week sabbatical in 2021, the longest I have ever been away from work since I was a fetus.
I’ve got caught up in that six-week sabbatical trying to schedule you. I’m very lucky that you reemerged.
I can’t emphasize the value of a relationship. Trust does matter in so many relationships. You’ve got people who may be present themselves one way, and then through their behavior, they demonstrate something altogether different. You have to be your authentic self. You can’t ever become the best version of anyone else. Be your authentic self, and the people that should be around you will be, and those who shouldn’t won’t be. If I do a talk or a keynote, I always talk about making deposits into a relationship before requesting a withdrawal. You should be a depositor. When you start and build from there when you request a withdrawal, you’ve got all the trust and respect, and the relationship is in place. It feels right.
Let me add to that. All of my work is about relationships, business, and personal is all predicated upon trust. Without trust, you can’t have a relationship. As a banker or a financial guy, and I have heard other people talk about making deposits, I would never talk that way. What I call it is creating goodwill but here’s the caveat that’s so important without a hidden agenda. You are making the deposit time after time because it’s the right thing to do.
It’s simple but unfortunately, if you look at the world, it’s not all that commonplace, and it’s not that easy. If you believe, though, in goodwill and I’m a scientist at heart but there’s a comma. You keep putting into somebody that person might not ever be in a position for you to withdraw from but somebody else will. It might come from the most unexpected person, place or time. For your work to differentiate yourself, you are in a very competitive crowded space. How do you use your relationship skills and trust to win?
I talked to my teammates about this all the time. If we focus on what the clients we have and want to have true value, we provide it again and again, and we are continually working on impressing them. I don’t worry about what the competition is doing.
You can’t ever become the best version of anyone else. Just be your authentic self and the people that should be around you will be, and those who shouldn’t won’t be.
It’s authenticity with consistency. It reminds me of John Wooden, the former UCLA basketball coach.
You are the third person who said that to me in less than a week.
This was before all the ad nauseum recruiting and filming. I wish I could do his accent. He said, “I teach the fundamentals. I don’t worry about anything else.” For you, the fundamentals are developing trust, authenticity, being genuine and consistent.
You are focusing on what the clients you have and want to have value and providing it to them. How do you find out what they truly value? You ask them for heaven’s sakes. Entrepreneurs are lying awake at night going, “What am I competitors doing?” Somebody in a coaching capacity should say, “Get your butt out of bed. What we are going to get you focused on is what the clients you have and the customers you want to have truly value. We are going to go and find that out and deliver it to them. We are going to deliver it faster, bigger, better, cheaper, however, you want to characterize that.
You don’t have to own the ocean to swim in the damn thing. Quit worrying about what your competitors are doing. The competition is great. It forces you to innovate. If you are approaching it from a sense of envy, you are poisoning yourself. By proxy, all of your teammates rely upon you for your coaching, mentoring, and leadership. Leave the poison at the door, focus on delivering what your customers and the customers you want to have truly value.
I promise you. You are going to feel like there’s a fear of what am I competitors doing? Are they going to surpass me? You show up with your uniqueness and define what winning means for your teammates. Collectively, it’s all of your customers who are going to make your teammates so amazing or unamazing. For us, that’s the approach that we take. It’s just not in Ascendant Financial, which is one of our flagship businesses.
With the Lowe Family Group of Companies, we have Ascendant Financial. That’s one of our flagship businesses. We specialize in the process of becoming your own banker, the Infinite Banking Concept. We are in the eCommerce space. We pack, prep, and ship for Amazon resellers fulfillment by Amazon and merchant. We have a pack and prep facility in Western and Central Canada to take care of that amazing business. It’s a great team and leadership in place. We took an ownership interest in the YouTube era, the YT era. It is a YouTube agency helping entrepreneurs expand their presence on YouTube to attract more customers who are out there learning on the YouTubes.
Congratulations, because that’s a new win.

We finished that deal and got it done. The key to a successful negotiation is when you leave something on the table. When I shake your hand, and you tell me, “You’ve got a firm handshake,” it matters. That deal began months ago with a handshake.
Otherwise, you might win the battle and lose the war.
For me, this group of companies, the people who go and do the great every single day, and I’m charged with the responsibility of leading, and I take that responsibility very seriously. I’m responsible for attracting the right who’s, great talent, to put the best players on the field to win the game. That’s my job. I set the vision and helped my teammates develop a game plan. We go and get it done. We are going to stub our toe, trip, fall but we have some pretty awesome perseverance, ambitious, determined teammates. I’m excited to watch them play this game of business.
You wouldn’t have it any other way. I feel like I could go on forever. I don’t want to take up that much more of your time but I do have a question I would like to ask you, which is, what is a major misconception people have about you that you would prefer not to correct?
I’m that serious in my leadership style. I have a sense of humor, too. I can laugh at myself and enjoy a good chuckle at my expense.
Do you people think you are intense?
No, they don’t think I’m intense. They call it business Jayson mode as opposed to the family man, funny guy mode.
If you are a workaholic, that means you are in the business Jayson mode more often than not.
If there isn’t anything new that someone can teach you and you’ve lost your inspiration to receive something new, it’s all downhill from there.
That’s true. I’m working on it. I truly am.
We have to get your wife on the line. She will clarify this for us.
I could not extend the amount of credit to Rebecca that she richly deserves. She is an amazing human being. What I love most about Rebecca, there are so many things, is she chooses me. She doesn’t need me. There’s a difference.
There’s a huge difference. I tell people all the time, and this is true in business and romantic relationships, that a partner should complement you, not complete you. You have the integrator, the visionary. I work with entrepreneurs in a business partnership capacity and with entrepreneurs in romantic relationships. There are different issues that come up if you are involved with an entrepreneur or an entrepreneur, as you well know.
Rebecca and I have been together for several years. I say to Rebecca every year that I wish I could have met her sooner so I could love her longer. She says to me every year the same thing, “We met at the right time for us.”
You wouldn’t have been ready for whatever reason.
She’s truly is amazing. She’s got five full-time jobs. Our four children are growing into remarkable human beings. I cannot extend enough credit to Rebecca. I love her more every single day.
She’s the wind beneath your wings. That’s awesome. My last question before I ask people how they can learn more about you is, if you could have the lead role in any play ever, who would you want to play and why?
I’m not sure if this is a play or not but the film, We Are Marshall. If I could play the lead role in that, I would have jumped at that opportunity in a heartbeat. I would have recognized the challenge and what it represented. I would have been there for those players who needed someone to be there for them, love them and help lead them through a traumatizing life-changing experience and help lead them to victory.
For the readers that aren’t familiar with We Are Marshall, check it out. If you don’t like football or sports, it is an amazing movie on overcoming adversity, tragedy, and character building. If we have learned nothing else about you, Jayson, we have learned underdog. If there’s anything we learned about you is that you love the underdog.
People can visit with me at AscendantFinancial.ca. I love to hear from readers, so please don’t hesitate to connect with me. You can click the button that reads, “Meet Our Team,” and you will find me there right alongside my teammates. You can click through there and connect with me. I would love to hear from you. I’m on the Facebook, the LinkedIn, and the YouTube. If you go to Facebook and lookup @JaysonLowe, you will see me and connect with me. I would love to love to do that. On YouTube, you can hit the Wealth Without Bay Street, which is our podcast or Bankers Vault.
Jayson, thank you so much. I hope everybody reading agrees that Jayson delivered and took us for a ride. Remember to like, subscribe, comment, and share. We will see you in the next episode.
Important Links
- Ascendant Financial
- Genius Network
- Money Can Buy You Happiness
- NelsonNashFilm.com
- Becoming Your Own Banker
- Building Your Warehouse of Wealth
- The Case for IBC
- Meet Our Team
- Wealth Without Bay Street – YouTube
- Bankers Vault – YouTube
- @JaysonLowe – Facebook
- LinkedIn – Jason Lowe
- https://WealthWithoutBayStreet.com/
- https://CanadaPrepAndShip.com/
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About Jayson Lowe
Jayson Lowe is founder of Ascendant Financial Inc. A visionary, a gifted leader, Jayson has over 22 years experience as a highly regarded coach, speaker and advisor to individuals and business owners nationwide. Jayson leads a Team of Professionals, highly sought after for their strong belief in and commitment to the process of Becoming Your Own Banker, developed by the late R. Nelson Nash. This is evident in all areas of Ascendant Financial and its successful process, which works to help People achieve financial prosperity in both their personal and business lives. Jayson works closely with Accountants, Lawyers, and Strategic Partners to provide unique and unrivaled solutions that maximize our Client’s wealth.
He is recognized as one of Canada’s top overall Advisors, author of several publications, and co-author of The Bankers’ Secret, a Simple Guide to Creating Personal Wealth for Canadians. Jayson has delivered hundreds of presentations to the general public, appeared on countless stages and interviews. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading educators and implementers of Becoming Your Own Banker, The Infinite Banking Concept.
Jayson is a Chartered Life Underwriter, an Authorized Infinite Banking Practitioner with the Nelson Nash Institute, maintains multiple affiliations and is very active in the financial services industry. He has been in the life insurance industry for more than 11 years, has been educating clients and personally practicing the Infinite Banking Concept™ for more than a decade.
If you live in Alberta or Ontario, you’ve likely heard Jayson being interviewed on the Corus Radio Network, 630 Ched’s Talk to the Experts, News talk 770, Success Magazine, Global AM 740, Equitable Life of Canada, to name just a few. Jayson is also a Top of the Table Member of the Million Dollar Roundtable, the most prestigious association of Financial Professionals in the world.
Jayson is married to Rebecca Lowe, his partner in business and in life. They jointly own and operate Ascendant Financial Inc., with headquarters in Edmonton, and licensed in several provinces across Canada. Jayson, Rebecca reside in Leduc and are kept very busy with their 4 Children.
An important part of Jayson’s life is to give back. Especially dear to his heart are Children’s charities, and non-profit agencies providing food, shelter and spiritual care to others less fortunate.
When he’s not building the Ascendant Financial organization and serving Clients, Jayson spends quality time with his entire Family and dear Friends.
Jayson would love to hear from you.