Are you sick and tired of being underpaid? Read today’s newsletter where I share the ONLY secret you need to know for a successful salary negotiation.
Money does indeed make the world go round!
Let’s be completely honest – we are all working to make money.
(Some women appear to have a more difficult time embracing this concept than men, but that is a story for another day.)
Sure, many people work because they truly want to make a difference and to make the world a better place – and this is quite admirable.
But it’s hard to help others if we are continually stressed out about money –
worried about paying our bills
worried about having enough money to put our kids through college
worried about acquiring the financial security needed to retire.
Negotiation Secret
You’ve been frustrated in your futile attempts to secure a real pay raise for years.
You did your research and you know your worth.
You’ve consistently demonstrated your value and connected the dots between what you do and how it correlates to increased revenue for your company.
You’ve met with the decision-maker(s) and yet, time and time again you’ve walked away either empty-handed or with the ridiculous party line: “no one is getting a pay raise this year” blah blah blah.
Before your next salary negotiation meeting, begin to strategize for your raise -now -by asking the powers that be this ONE question:
“What are you doing now that you can’t stand doing – and that I can do for you?”
Can you imagine the shock and pleasantly surprised reaction that spreads upon your boss’ face as they begin to realize they can unload all the work they hate doing – freeing them up to do more of the work they enjoy.
Final Thought
Asking this one question consistently – and performing the given work earnestly – will set you up for a positive salary negotiation.
AND whom do you think your boss will think of when the next promotion comes along?
By laying the foundation for your salary negotiation to be about your company –and not about you – will set you up for a successful salary negotiation.
#womenandmoney #womenandwork #womenatwork #femalefinancialfitness #communicationexpert
~ as published in The Huffington Post
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