Many of us make the same mistake when it comes to love & marriage. We forget the most important relationship of them all. No, it is not our relationship with our spouse or significant other. It is our relationship with ourself!
Our relationship with ourself is the foundation upon which all other relationships are built. Our partner will be capable of loving us – only to the extent that we love ourself.
If we do not love ourselves (and accept ourselves for whom we are) how can we possibly expect anyone else to? If you believe you are “damaged goods” – so, too, will the people around you believe you are “damaged goods.” And who wants to buy, let alone love, damaged goods?
So I ask you: “Where should you be looking for love?” The answer, of course, lies in the mirror – we should be looking for love within ourselves.
Ask yourself these questions:
Do you accept yourself for who you are? Not worrying about whom you think you should be?
Do you love yourself unconditionally? Are you your #1 fan?
Do you have an open mindset? Or are you closed to new possibilities and ways of thinking?
Are you open to change? Or do you cling to the past?
The secret for receiving love in your marriage is loving yourself first – the good, the bad and the ugly.
What you see in the mirror will be reflected back at you in your marriage.
Do you love yourself in a way that you want your partner to love you and in a way that you deserve to be loved?
If you can’t find love looking back at you in the mirror, you are looking for love in all the wrong places.
Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,
Dr. Patty Ann