Stop Fighting – 3 Easy Steps to Shape up your Relationship in 2011 and Stop Fighting

In order to make 2011 the best year – ever – for your relationship, the most important thing we must do is not take our loved ones for granted. Human nature being what it is, we tend to take the things we have and the ones we love for granted. This is the kiss of death for your relationship. That being said, let’s start with the #1 way to make 2011 your best year yet:

  1. Prioritize your relationship. It sounds so simple and easy to do, and it is, IF you DO IT! Haven’t you noticed how life has a way of getting in the way of your relationship? We are all guilty of this. You know – your job, the bills, the kids, the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning, even your favorite TV show finds a way of creeping up on us and taking away all our “free” time, including the time we have to spend with our partner. Try really hard and don’t allow this to happen to your relationship. Life seems to have taken on such a hectic pace. Slow it down – it’s easy if you try – and spend quality time with the one you love. Even if that means doing nothing but just being together. If you have to schedule time together, do it. Do whatever it takes to make your relationship your #1 priority in 2011. Failure to prioritize your relationship at the beginning of 2011 might result in no relationship at the end of 2011.
  2. Romance is Retro. that’s right, bring back the romance your relationship was built on. Remember how you use to flirt with each other with your eyes? Bring it back and do it again. Send little love notes to each other throughout the week – with modern technology there are a million ways to do this: email, IMing, text messaging, bbm, etc. Or bring home a rose to your partner for no reason at all! Bringing back romance in your relationship is a sure fire way to stop fighting and to heat things up for 2011.
  3. Speak politely to your partner; say “please” and “thank-you”. That’s right. Everything you need to know about manners you learned in kindergarten. As I mentioned earlier, we tend to take our loved ones for granted and this includes forgetting our manners when we speak with them. Civility goes a long way to enhance the quality of your relationship. Try it – your partner will like it. Trust me.

So remember to focus on your relationship this year; don’t take your partner for granted and use your manners. Following these 3 easy and effective steps are sure to stop the fighting and shape up your relationship in 2011 – making this year the best year -EVER- for your relationship.

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann

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