Services Test Page


I know you are at the right place. 

You cannot save your marriage alone!

I am a “real” relationship expert! I know what you need to save your marriage.  My relationship advice gives you proven strategies and tools. They have helped thousands of couples save their marriage, restore trust, fix a broken heart, learn to effectively communicate and fall in love all over again!

I’m extremely confident my relationship advice will save your marriage!

As a relationship and communication expert, I provide all the communication tools and relationship tips you need to:

  • stop the pain of your broken heart due to infidelity and a cheating spouse  
  • make sure a cheating spouse never cheats again
  • stop fighting about money
  • effectively communicate
  • fix other relationship problems

I. VIP Couples Saving Weekend 

This transformational weekend is custom made to fix your specific relationship problems.
Click here for more information and for your application for this VIP Couples Saving Weekend. APPLY NOW.

Package price varies & hotel rates vary (accommodations may or may not be included in pricing).

II. VIP Couples Day in Stamford, CT

This transformational VIP Couples Day is designed to save your marriage due to infidelity, money fights, lack of communication, etc.  Save your marriage and APPLY NOW.

If you’re really serious about saving your marriage– Click Here Now!

III. Relationship Help Phone Consultation (Individual or Couple)

Click Here Now!

Don’t Despair

Save Your Marriage –

Relationship Help is a click away!

Once you have been pre-qualified and screened – scheduling is extremely limited. All work is highly confidential.

I give you all the relationship help you need to save your marriage due to infidelity, a cheating spouse, lack of communication, etc.

Hurry – apply now to save your marriage!

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann

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