Save Your Marriage with this Relationship Secret

Now that the gift-giving part of the holidays is over, don’t you wonder why we all get so crazed shopping, buying and wrapping presents for the one we love? Sure, it is such a nice feeling to give gifts to let people know we care about them, but I think we can all agree this gift-giving has gotten a little out of hand. I mean – really. As we approach the New Year, there is however, one gift I want to share with you that I am certain will bring you love and happiness in the upcoming year.

This gift is relationship advice for making sure you are totally “present” in the New Year when you are with the one you love. It is so easy to multi-task and sure – sometimes we have to do two things at once to get everything done, but it is a grave mistake to never be really present when we are with our partner. So during the New Year resolve to shut off the iphone, unplug and being totally present for at least a few minutes every day. This isn’t a lot to ask and it costs us absolutely nothing.

Remember – the gift of being present will keep on giving throughout the New Year and is guaranteed to make 2012 the best year ever – for romance and happiness in your relationship!

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann