Rock Solid Strategies for Creating Success in Your Business Without Having to Sacrifice Happiness in Your Marriage and Family

Rock Solid Strategies for Creating Success in Your Business Without Having to Sacrifice Happiness in Your Marriage and Family

Do you ever feel like you have to make a false choice between success in your business and happiness in your marriage and family life?

You know you can be a successful entrepreneur in a happy marriage BUT nobody has ever showed you how!!

On this call you will learn:

Rock solid proven strategies and tools to strengthen the bond to your significant other, and carry you through the highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey by learning:

1. The secret(s) needed to create a family plan that complements and is in sync with your business plan – rather than in competition with it.

2. What to do when things do NOT go according to plan – and they won’t – in both your marriage and your business!

3. Be the envy of your girlfriends and peers when your spouse volunteers to take care of the KIDS & do the CHORES so you have time to work on your business.

Be the ENVY of your entrepreneurial peers when your business thrives, your profits soar and your marriage ROCKS!!

Click below to listen to this teleclass with Jayne Morris of and Dr. Patty Ann.


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