Relationship Toolbox – Pinky

Attention: Women in committed relationships and mothers who suddenly find themselves constantly at odds or fighting with their partner and want to get that "loving feeling" back

Finally! All in one place – the information you need to get your romantic relationship back on track so you can enjoy the pleasure, support and nurturing a loving relationship can give you

Yes you CAN turn your relationship around! It doesn’t need to be a source of tension, stress and frustration …all you need is the right tools!

From the desk of Dr. Patty Ann Tublin

Dear Friend,

On the surface, it probably seems like you have it all, right?

You have a significant other you cherish, with whom you can share your challenges and daily victories. You have a family, or you are enjoying a stellar career that keeps you busy or both. Your friends probably envy you, because from the outside, it looks like you’re living the best of both worlds.

So why aren’t you completely satisfied? Maybe intellectually you know you have two great things – a wonderful partner with whom to double your joys and half your sorrows, children to share with your partner and/or a challenging career you love.

But something is wrong … your relationship simply isn’t what it used to be, and it isn’t what you always imagined it would be. Somehow, things that should make you feel closer to your partner – a new addition to the family or the confidence you feel from being good at what you do and meeting your obligations well – seem to be pushing you apart. Maybe you can’t put your finger on exactly what’s going wrong, but one thing is clear: something has GOT to change.

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You are constantly arguing with your partner – whether it’s about whose turn it is to take out the garbage or whether to buy a new car – and you want it to stop! Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn strategies for focusing on the positive so you could stop arguing about the little things?
  • You are simply exhausted at the end of each day and have trouble finding the energy to talk with your partner, much less to have sex. Plus, a baby crying or toddlers calling for you in the other room during foreplay isn’t exactly a turn on. What if you could learn to reignite the intimacy in your relationship so you got to know each other all over again – not to mention stimulating your sex drive, too?
  • You feel like you’ve lost your best friend – even though you two are still together. It seems like every time you talk about something more serious than the weather, you argue. What if you could restore the intimacy in your relationship so you could confide in your partner about your deepest feelings, and rebuild your friendship?
  • Your partner accuses you of caring more about all your other obligations than you do about your relationship. Wouldn’t it lessen your stress if you could learn verbal and non-verbal communication strategies for letting your partner know how much you value all aspects of your life?
  • The stress from trying to be SuperWoman is causing you to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. What if you could get your hands on techniques for balancing all aspects of your life – and for communicating what you need from your partner?

You’re probably thinking what’s wrong with you? Lots of couples balance families and careers and get along just fine. What’s wrong with your relationship? Maybe you’re just not meant to be together.

Before you give up your relationship as a lost cause, think about all the benefits of Rediscovering Your Dream Relationship:

  • People in happy relationships are more successful, make and save more money, and live healthier, more fulfilled lifestyles. The bottom line: a happy relationship leads to greater overall success and financial security.
  • Research shows that people in healthy, loving relationships experience greater romance, more intimacy, better sex, increased happiness. In short, a great relationship is the foundation for a great romance – and let’s face it, we all want romance.
  • When you’re in a great relationship, your joys are doubled and your sorrows are halved. It feels amazing to share your victories, small and large, and it is so comforting to share your sorrows with someone who truly cares about you.
  • When your relationship thrives, so do you – you feel happy, confident, and supported on every front. Just knowing someone is there, loving you and caring about your success and happiness, improves your mindset.
  • Couples who have healthy relationships communicate more effectively so their needs are fulfilled. If you’ve ever felt like your partner just doesn’t “get” what you want, it may be because you’re not communicating effectively – imagine your needs being fulfilled at every turn!

So now you understand the importance of Rediscovering Your Dream Relationship. But it seems so difficult. As a mother, a stellar employee, or both, you probably work so hard already that you don’t exactly love the idea of working hard at something that is “supposed to be” easy – like romance. Not only are you already tired at the end of the day, but you also aren’t sure your partner is going to want to work on your relationship too as tense as things are right now.

To make it worse, you’re afraid to talk to your partner about where your relationship is lacking – you know it’s been tense but you’re afraid that if you point it out, things could get even more strained. At this point, Rediscovering Your Dream Relationship seems near impossible.

That is why I am so excited to share with you what I have developed – a complete, step-by-step guide for creating the mutual respect, the deep friendship and the sense of intimacy and romance you so crave in your relationship.

But first …

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

Let’s start with the good stuff.

Dr Patty Ann Relationship ExpertI’m Dr. Patty Ann Tublin, a relationship expert, psychologist and licensed psychotherapist. I am the product of my work and am in a 25-years-and-going-strong marriage. I have helped hundreds of people reach their goal of creating a happy, healthy relationship. My only regret is long ago I reached the point where I received so many requests for help that I have to turn away couples who so desperately seek my expertise.

As we all know, people in happy relationships have greater romance, more intimacy, better sex, increased happiness, and are more successful and lead healthier and more fulfilled lives.

I wasn’t always successful in love.

After a difficult pregnancy and long-term medical battle for my twin boys, my husband and I realized that while we still felt deeply about each other, something felt different. We worked and worked to fix it, but the hard work with lack of success made us feel even worse. Finally, I took all my personal experience and knowledge and created strategies for helping my relationship – and it worked. Today, I share those specific relationship techniques, exercises and workshops with my clients so they can reconnect with their partners and rebuild their relationships. My husband, Mitch, is my biggest advocate in building my business, even while he is pursuing his own, separate entrepreneurial efforts.

So in a nutshell, I have the combined expertise and real-life experience of all my schooling and my own experience – my relationship is still going strong while my husband and I raise our four children. And I want to use that expertise to help you get what I have – the Dream Relationship.

Relationship ToolboxThat is why I am so excited to share with you my Relationship Toolbox!

You see, it’s not your fault you haven’t been successful at keeping the flames ignited in your romantic relationship AND taking care of your children. It’s not your fault that you are so drained from everything else you’re working on that you don’t have the energy to stop the relationship from sinking. Not only is there a huge continuous learning curve when you have a new baby or climb the corporate ladder, but there also is a continuous learning curve when you’re in a relationship. Unless you are educated in psychology (and even if you are!), it’s difficult and it might even feel impossible to balance both aspects of your life.

And, NO ONE has brought an effective product to the table, one that gives you real, working advice for having it all – for nurturing your romantic relationship while taking care of your other obligations, big and small – which you so richly deserve. Until now.

So here’s a taste of what you’ll get in the Relationship Toolbox:

Module 1: Relationship Affirmations

Have you ever woken up, believing that today is going to be a terrible day? And how did that day turn out? It was probably pretty terrible, right?

Your subconscious mind has a tremendous effect on your life. An affirmation is a belief or thought we have that is linked to our subconscious. Positive affirmations will lead to positive results. If you create positive affirmations pertinent to your relationship, you will begin to see positive change – and you’ll be on your way to Rediscovering Your Dream Relationship – and living it!

You’ll also learn:

The power of positive relationship affirmations for you and for your relationship.
relationship advice 5 secret ways relationship affirmations work to increase the romance and happiness in your relationship. (I guarantee you’ll be amazed at how much your relationship will transform — you may not even recognize it!)
relationship advice What prevents happiness and love from growing in your relationship and what you can do to keep the happiness and love alive
relationship advice What happens to your partner’s positive qualities when you use relationship affirmations. (Yes, these affirmations WILL work even if you’re the only one using them)
relationship advice How you can practically GUARANTEE you’ll get what you want from your relationship. (And better yet, your honey will be thrilled to give it to you)
relationship advice The "secret" ingredient of any successful relationship (and it doesn’t require you to get your partner to do anything!)
relationship advice The relationships affirmations alphabet – an A to Z guide for increasing romance and happiness in your relationship.


Module 2: Commitment

Commitment isn’t just about being with one person. Rather, commitment is a vital component in increasing romance and happiness in your relationship. I’m going to teach you exactly how to lay the foundation for commitment that builds your relationship.

You’re also going to learn:

Where commitment starts – and you may be surprised!
relationship advice 5 Warning Signs that there may be a lack of commitment in your relationship. (Yes, even if you think there’s commitment on both your parts, you may discover there’s not.)
relationship advice What does commitment look like? You might be surprised at what commitment IS and is NOT
relationship advice Tips and tools for increasing the level of commitment you want in your relationship. (It’s easier than you think)


Module 3: Mindset

Your mindset is the culmination of everything you think, anticipate, and believe. Your mindset dictates your behavior and influences your reality – making it come true. The mindset you have about your relationship is the relationship you will create.

I will teach you the power of your mindset, and how to set and focus your mindset in a way that will allow your relationship to flourish, so you can, too.

You’re also going to learn:

The 5 major factors that influence your mindset. (Ignore this and you’ll NEVER be able to change your mindset)
relationship advice Strategies for changing your mindset so you can change your life — specifically, so you can improve your romantic relationship.
relationship advice 15 Exercises for building your dream relationship.


Module 4: Communication

Do you and your partner communicate? Do you talk to one another? Do you actively listen to one another? If you’re talking more than you’re listening, you’re probably not communicating effectively.

Effective communication is absolutely key for both partners having their needs met. It is a learned skill, and it can greatly improve the quality of any relationship. You will learn exactly how to engage in effective communication so that you both clearly express your needs – and have them met.

You’ll also learn: .

What “effective communication” really means. (And no, it’s NOT about saying to your honey "why won’t you talk to me?’) And what it DOESN’T mean
relationship advice One vital component of communication (it isn’t talking!).
relationship advice 5 secrets of active listening. (Why do you want to be an active listener? Because active listeners tend to have stronger, more satisfying relationships.)
relationship advice 3 situations you want to avoid when communicating.
relationship advice 3 areas in which to use caution when you are communicating.
relationship advice 48 “feeling words” that you MUST use with care when communicating with your partner.


Module 5: Non-Verbal Communication

When you’re in conflict with your partner, pay attention to his or her body language. Is he saying he’s not upset, but he’s sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, refusing to look at you? Actions really do speak louder than words – and if you can read your partner’s non-verbal cues, you can learn to hear what he isn’t saying.

Sometimes, what we do NOT say sends a stronger message than what we DO say. By learning to understand non-verbal cues, we can increase the effectiveness of our communication – and our chances for a successful relationship.

You’ll also learn:

The most important type of non-verbal communication (ignore this and you’re never going to get anywhere with your partner)
relationship advice 5 elements of Body Language and what they mean
relationship advice Tips to consider when you want to send your partner a serious or sincere message.
relationship advice 8 tips for how to position your body when communicating with your partner.
relationship advice 3 guidelines for using gestures when communicating.
relationship advice 5 ideas for showing your love (actions speak louder than words).


Module 6: Sex and Intimacy

Have you ever noticed that when you and your partner have more sex, everything seems easier, smoother, and just plain better? Sex is about more than just, well, having sex. Sex is a way to give pleasure to and receive pleasure from your partner. It’s also a way to have fun and connect with your partner

Most importantly, sex and intimacy create and maintain physical and emotional intimacy, create a unique bond between you, and develop a secure and unified relationship. Partners who regularly share sex and intimacy argue less when disagreements arise and are more likely to discuss and resolve such disagreements.

You’ll also learn:

The Number One Thing you need to feel sexual stimulation.
relationship advice 4 reasons why sex with intimacy is important in a happy relationship.
relationship advice 7 FACTS about why sex is good for you.
relationship advice The definition of TRUE intimacy.
relationship advice 3 secrets intimacy requires.
relationship advice 6 tips for having great sex.
relationship advice 3 tips for treating sex like a priority.
relationship advice The effects anxiety and vacation have on your sex life.
relationship advice What doesn’t work when it comes to having great sex.
relationship advice A sex and intimacy exercise that will reveal your greatest sex strengths and challenges as a couple.


Module 7: Conflict Resolution

Conflict enters every relationship at some point, and when it does, couples must have tools to deal with it effectively. That doesn’t mean they have to come to an agreement on every issue – rather, it means they must learn to respect each other’s differences and forgive each other’s mistakes.

Conflict will not make or break your relationship – but how you handle the conflict will. Your conflict resolution skills will determine the health and well-being of your relationship.

You’ll also learn:

The 5 main issues couples fight about. (You may be surprised at what all of them are.)
relationship advice 5 easy tips to help you resolve conflicts effortlessly (even when you’re in the middle of a fight).
relationship advice One key idea you must ALWAYS keep in mind when you’re in the middle of a disagreement or you risk having it spiral out of control
relationship advice The role of forgiveness in relationships. (It’s not what you think).
relationship advice 3 secrets for resolving fights easily and effortlessly
relationship advice Why it is important to address conflict in your relationship EARLY
relationship advice The RIGHT way you should view conflict in your relationship.
relationship advice 4 exercises for resolving conflict effectively.


Now you may be wondering: How is this all going to work? How am I going to get my hands on all this amazing, life-changing information?

Here’s how I’m going to deliver it to you:

First, I’m going to send you a copy of this beautiful ground-breaking product, which includes:

The 7 modules listed above
relationship advice Audio CDs to go along with each of the 7 modules.
relationship advice Written transcripts of each of the modules
relationship advice Worksheets so you can complete each of the exercises and are able to personalize this great information to your unique situation.

PLUS, I’m going to give you these AMAZING bonuses:

Bonus 1: “Do You Remember” Exercise

This exercise will help you remember what made you fall in love with your partner. Think about it. Of all the millions of people you meet in the course of living your life, you chose each other. Do you remember why? The exercises on this bonus will help remind you – and it will make you laugh and feel nostalgic for way back when you were giddy about each other. It will be amazing for both you and your relationship when you remember these feelings.

Bonus 2: “So You Think You Know Your Partner” Exercise

This exercise consists of a list of questions designed to reveal how well you really know your partner. The questions are intended to initiate a dialogue that allows you to get to know your partner a little bit better. You’ll enjoy hearing the answers to these 56 questions!

This sounds fantastic, Dr. Patty Ann!
How much is it all going to cost me?

That is a great question. But first, I have some of my own.

How much is it worth to you to ease the tension or stop the fighting in your relationship? How important is it to you to give your relationship the makeover it needs?

How much is it worth to you to strike a balance between the crucial elements of your life so you don’t feel like they’re constantly warring for your attention?

How much is it worth to you to have your best friend back – even as you continue to successfully participate in all the other activities you enjoy?

$750? $1,000? $1,500? More?

The Relationship Toolbox is as close as you can get to live, in-person relationship coaching and that is why I feel comfortable asking you for a one-time investment of $397.

Isn’t your relationship worth at least that?

But if that’s not enough to convince you, consider this:

  • If your relationship keeps going downhill, how much money do you think you’d end up spending on marriage counseling or therapy? (A lot more than $397 I can guarantee you that!)
  • If you end up getting a divorce, how much do you think THAT’S going to cost you?
  • What about the cost of not doing anything? The sleepless nights after a fight? The stress? Being surrounded by all that negative energy? Even the costs of over-the-counter or prescription medication to help you "cope." (You might be surprised at how quickly those add up after awhile.)

And imagine how the quality of your life will improve as you learn to balance the very important aspects of your life. Imagine feeling like your relationship is a partnership that supports your other endeavors, and like your partner understands and respects your love for your work and your company.

What is THAT worth to you?


PLUS, you’re protected by my "Fall In Love" Guarantee.

I stand behind my products. I KNOW this product has the potential to transform your relationship, as long as you read it carefully, listen to the CDs, and take the exercises seriously. You’ll have 60 days to fall in love with your relationshipall over again, or you can return it for your money back.

(Be sure to enter your coupon code at checkout for 25% off!)

Ready to get started, or do you still have a few questions?

Q: I’m not sure I can afford to pay for the Relationship Toolbox. Can’t I just look up some relationship tips online to save money?

A: Can your relationship afford for you NOT to invest in this Toolbox? I challenge you to find a “relationship expert” with my expertise and personal experience. Remember, this amazing product is the culmination of my extensive research, schooling, and experience, and you’re going to get it all in once place so you can begin repairing your relationship immediately with techniques that are proven to work.

Q: My relationship is pretty decent, and lack of sleep caused by our new baby is pretty much the only source of tension. Is it worth it for me to buy this course?

A: Absolutely. I will help you make your “decent” relationship GREAT. Tension left unchecked (even surrounding one issue) will grow and begin to permeate other important areas of your relationship. If you sense tension now, then now is the time to learn to effectively communicate about it so that you and your partner get your needs met. Because right now, it’s lack of sleep. In a few months, it will be teething. In a few years, it will be tantrums. When your baby is a teenager, it will be curfews, parties, and college applications. Children (whether to have, when to have, how many to have, and how to raise) are a main source of conflict for couples so why not deal with the issue now before it builds into a larger one?

Q: I feel like my partner and I will never agree about the amount of time we should spend together. What’s the point of me buying the Relationship Toolbox?

A: The Relationship Toolbox will provide you with tips and strategies for resolving conflict – and that resolution doesn’t mean you have to agree. If you know you’re not going to agree about the amount of time you spend together, then you need to learn to communicate effectively and agree to disagree – honor the individuality you both bring to the relationship while respecting each other’s opinions.

Q: My partner and I have been together for a long time now. I think the intimacy we felt when we first got together was just “young love.” Can the Relationship Toolbox help us get it back?

A: Yes! Intimacy never has to be a thing of the past in relationships. My proven techniques have helped couples on the verge of a relationship break-up repair their relationships and reach levels of happiness, love and trust they thought were lost to them (not to mention greater romance and an improved sex life).

Q: My partner thinks all of this is silly. He thinks there’s no way someone else can help us with our relationship. Will your product still work for me even if I’m the only one using it?

A: Yes. Even if you’re the only one using it, you still can transform your relationship. The tools and exercises will still help regardless if your partner is on board with this or not. Trust me — I can help your relationship even if it’s just you doing the work. And you have my guarantee — if it doesn’t work with only you, then return the product for a full refund, no questions asked.

Ready to get started?

Relationship ToolboxYes, Dr. Patty Ann! I want to Rediscover My Dream Relationship and start feeling the levels of happiness, intimacy and love I crave!

For my investment of $397, I understand I’m going to get:

  • The 7 modules listed above (Relationship Affirmations, Commitment, Mindset, Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Sex and Intimacy, and Conflict Resolution)
  • Written transcripts of each module
  • Audio CDs to go along with each of the 7 modules.
  • Worksheets so you can complete each of the exercises, so you’re able to personalize this great information to your unique situation.

PLUS, the 2 great bonuses:

  • “Do You Remember” Exercise
  • “So You Think You Know Your Partner” Exercise

And I’m completely covered by your "Fall in Love" 60-day guarantee!

(Be sure to enter your coupon code at checkout for 25% off!)

Your payment is processed on secure servers.

So are you ready to get started? Your Dream Relationship is just a few days away!

To your success in romance,

P.S. If you’re tired of the struggle between your life and your relationship, it’s time to create the healthy foundation for a partnership based on respect! Click here to order now

P.P.S. The longer you wait, the longer you’ll go on feeling this tension! Order now


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