Here we go again! Rick Pitino, the renowned basketball coach at the University of Louisville and gifted motivational speaker joins a long line of “role model” coaches and husbands who have allegedly committed adultery and come forward to beg forgiveness.
This relationship advice blog is not about Rick Pitino; it is not about Karen Shypher, the woman with whom Pitino had sex with back in August 2003, consensual or not. This blog is not about the Roman Catholic faith that Pitino claims he is so devoted to. This blog is not even about the University of Louisville!
This relationship advice blog is being written in support of MRS. Joanne Pitino and the five children who now have to endure the public scrutiny of her husband and their fathers’ indiscretions. My heart goes out to the family of Joanne Pitino. This woman has already endured the tragic death of two of her brothers. One brother died on 9/11 when the North Tower of the World Trade Center fell and another brother was killed in NYC in a car accident. The Pitino’s also suffered the lost of a 6 month old son.
After all this, Joanne Pitino now has to deal with the public scrutiny and private suffering due to her husband’s inability to remain faithful to his marriage vows.
Mrs. Pitino, my relationship advice expertise is open to you free of cost. It is unfortunate that I have had to help many couples throughout the years work through this terribly painful ordeal of attempting to work through and survive infidelity. My heart goes out to you and the work you will need to undertake for your own emotional survival and the decision you need to make as to whether or not you desire to stay married and allow your husband to remain a part of your emotional world.
Building Together A Relationship Filled With Love, Health & Wealth,
Dr. Patty Ann