Embrace Failure as Your Pre-Requisite for Success

Vince Lombardi, the legendary football coach of the Green Bay Packers from 1959-67 famously said: “winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”, and win he did – coaching the Packers to 5 NFL championships and 2 Super Bowl wins.

Lombardi is revered in Green Bay and honestly, who doesn’t love a winner? However, in a world that celebrates winning – and success, we often overlook the invaluable lessons gained from failure. No one has ever achieved success – without having experienced failure first. As a matter of fact, I would suggest failure is a pre-requisite for success and winning. Failure isn’t the end of the road on your journey to success, it is a critical steppingstone.

Following are 4 ways failure unlocks your key to success.

1. Resilience and Growth – Failure tests our resilience and provides opportunities for growth. Every failure is an opportunity to learn from our mistakes, adapt strategies, and evolve. Overcoming obstacles prepares us for future challenges that will lead us towards success. Failure becomes a teacher that equips us with additional skills, innovative ideas, and an enhanced perspective on our journey.

2. Reframing and Creativity – Failure encourages (or more accurately forces) us to reframe our approach. When things don’t go according to plan, we’re prompted to think creatively (outside the box) and explore alternative routes. This often leads to innovation and groundbreaking discoveries; ones that wouldn’t have surfaced without the initial failure. It’s through these trial-and-error experiments that we often stumble upon our most brilliant ideas – including the creation of many life changing innovations such as penicillin.

3. Humbling and Building Character – Experiencing failure humbles us and strengthens our character (what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, yes?). It reminds us that we’re human, susceptible to mistakes (like everyone else), and success is never guaranteed. This humility fosters empathy and a deeper understanding of others’ struggles. Failure also allows us to increase our self-awareness and truly reflect on our strengths and weaknesses while increasing our compassion for other people’s challenges.

4. Reshaping Perseverance and Determination – Failure forces us to reshape our perception of perseverance and determination. It’s easy to remain motivated when everything is going winningly, but when faced with failure, it’s our grit and determination that truly shines and keeps us driving onward. The drive to bounce back and prove ourselves becomes a motivating force. Many success stories are rooted in the determination that stems from the setbacks of failure.

Failure is the fundamental aspect of all success, and it is the one most often left out of the playbook. Failure plays a significant role in every triumph. By embracing failure as a steppingstone rather than a defeat and dead end, we unlock a treasure trove of lessons, creativity, and growth.

If you will allow me, I would like to add to Vince Lombardi’s famous quote: “winning isn’t everything, it is the only thing – and a necessity for success.”

Dr. Patty Ann

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