Don’t Let Holiday Stress Break up Your Relationship

We are off and running! Thanksgiving is just around the corner – Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza are not trailing far behind. Just the thought of all the extra things we have to do for the holidays can be overwhelming! Women are already stressed out enough without adding all the extra holiday “to-do” stuff on the list. The dirty little secret about the holidays is that many relationships do NOT survive them. That’s right. Many couples break up during the holidays because all the stress gets under their skin and they can’t take it anymore. SO – couples break up a LOT during the holidays.

Below are easy and five highly effective tips to help you NOT break up during this holiday season.

1. Relax and Breathe! You read that correctly – relax and breathe. When we get stressed out and overwhelmed many of us hold our breath and tighten up every muscle in our body. These actions cut off the flow of oxygen to our body and vital organs resulting in our body tensing up!

The more overwhelmed and stressed out we feel, the more we need to remember to breathe. This will force the flow of oxygen and blood throughout our body allowing us to relax, which will help slow down our racing thoughts! We need to take care of our body and mind if we can even think about taking care of our relationship.

2. Exercise. I can already hear you say: “Exercise, you have got to be kidding me! The last thing I have time for, especially now is exercise”. My point exactly. You must make time to exercise on a regular basis because it will increase your energy. This increased energy will help you perform all the extra tasks the holiday season requires of you so you don’t feel thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day.

3. Moderately indulge in holiday junk food and alcohol. Overindulgence in food and drink leaves us feeling crabby and sluggish. These negative feelings end up impacting our relationships – especially our relationship with our significant other. So moderation is the operative word for our food and alcohol intake during the holiday season.

4. Make sure you get enough sleep! Many people deprive themselves of sleep during the holidays because they need to get so much done. Do not fall into this temptation. Getting enough sleep actually makes you more productive with fewer hours in the day. Allowing yourself to be sleep deprived only leaves you feeling tired, grumpy, overwhelmed and less productive. All these feelings can negatively effect your relationship.

5. Prioritize. It is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of the holiday season that we forget to prioritize our relationship. This is a huge mistake. Yes we are incredibly busy during this time of year, but that is no excuse for ignoring – or not making time – for the one you love. Set a specific day and time each week between now and the New Year to spend with your partner. During these times do not spend a lot of time discussing all the chores and activities that you have to get done. Just try and enjoy each other’s company together.

The holiday season is upon us, with all the rush, rush, rushing it brings. If we don’t want our relationship to break up and be an unfortunate casualty of the holiday season -remember these five easy and highly effective tips. Relax and breathe, exercise, eat and drink in moderation, get enough sleep and prioritize your relationship. Taking care of your relationship begins with taking care of yourself – guaranteeing a happy holiday season spent together for you and the one you love!!

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann

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