The Healing Energy: Changing Your Reality And Discovering Your Authentic Truth With Kim White

TTD 20 | Energy Healing


Discovery is not always a one-step journey. Healing traumas, realigning your energy, and finding your authentic truth involves overcoming many hurdles and sitting through a lot of life’s distress. As a track and field athlete, Kim White experienced muscle spasms and countless discomforts associated with a healthy lifestyle. But with interest in digging deeper into its cause, Kim discovered that the injuries that disabled him were more internally sourced than external physical pain. In this episode, Kim sits with Dr. Patty Ann Tublin to share his story. Kim recounts the instances that turned him from being an athletic runner into a kinesiology enthusiast. Listen in and let Kim guide you through transforming your energy and unleashing how your body can reveal your authentic truth.

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The Healing Energy: Changing Your Reality And Discovering Your Authentic Truth With Kim White

I have an incredible guest. I’ve had nobody like this man on this show before, so I know how much you are going to enjoy this. Make sure that you like, share, comment and subscribe to the show. Let me tell you a little bit about our next guest. He is an energy coach and a healer extraordinaire. Let me tell you, this man is the real deal. When you get referred to somebody from Babs Smith and Dan Sullivan, you listen and you go. Without any further ado, buckle up because Kim White is going to take us for a ride. Welcome, Kim. Thank you so much for agreeing to be on this show.

I’m happy to be here. Thank you.

I don’t want to say that I had a session with you because I don’t want people to think, “Clearly, this doesn’t work because she’s still a lunatic.” It was actually phenomenal. Let’s talk about how you got to where you are via, is Perth, Australia?

That’s where I’m from.

Please take us on your journey because it is fascinating.

It started when I was a little kid. I noticed that I would go into houses or meet people and I’d react. Sometimes you couldn’t shut me up and other times you couldn’t get a word out of me. My parents were concerned like, “What’s wrong with him? Why is he so different in many different environments?” That’s how it started. I started to question, “Is something wrong with me?” Of course, there wasn’t but I didn’t know then. I was sensitive. I could feel things and I didn’t know what it meant. Growing up in Australia, if you’re sensitive, you’re a wuss and weak. Guys aren’t sensitive. I’m sure it’s the same in the States.

Unfortunately, yes. I do think it’s changing but not fast enough.

It’s getting better. That’s where it started. I just focus all my attention on my school. I would make sure I get good grades. I was insulating myself into my head and becoming this brain. I love to read so I escape all the time away from the negative energy.

The executive functioning, logic and reasoning, to get the emotions if we can.

That’s where it started, then I had this passion that started when I was about eight years old about architecture. I started to study and look at books and explore houses in the neighborhood and I would climb through construction sites. It fascinated me. I was like, “This is where I want to go.” My whole schooling led me in this direction towards being an architect. I went to college for a couple of years studying Architecture and then my life took a turn. I was a runner since I was little. It was a good sport for me. My parents put me into athletics to try and get my physical body.

I have to ask you this question. What did you think you might have been running away from?

From the feelings, 100%. Also, I’m running away from being rejected because as a runner, you’re independent. Whereas if you’re part of a team, I was always the last to be picked. For the teams, I was the little guy. It was like, “I’ll take him.” That’s what I was running away from. I developed a skill with my running and I started to get good. The big thing, which you’ll understand this, is it all changed when I got a coach. I went from 8th in my state to 6th in the nation in nine weeks. It was phenomenal because I had a coach. That’s why I always say everyone needs a coach. If you want to grow in an area, you get a coach. That was a big breakthrough.

What stage of life were you at when you got the coach? How old were you? Was it high school or college?

I was 18, 19, early in college. Because my running improved, I deferred my studies and went to the National Training Camp in Australia for a couple of years to see if I could improve my running and how far I could go.

Were you trying to go to the Olympics?

Yes. Unfortunately, I got sidetracked by a little partying on the way. I was a real party animal back in those days. What I did was I got an opportunity to go to America on a running team. I was like, “Two weeks, I can do it.” I recommitted back to my running. I went there. That was a two-week tour that lasted six years because I got offered so many scholarships when I was there. I was like, “Why don’t I stay? This is great.” That reignited my Olympic dream.

Where in the States did you come? Was it Arizona?

I started in California then I transferred to Northern Arizona in Flagstaff, up in the mountains. When I arrived there on my recruiting trip, I just knew this is it. Everything in me said, “This is where you need to be.” It was so clear and I’d never heard of Flagstaff before. Probably one of the best negotiations I’ve ever had in my life was negotiating for that scholarship.

Tell us about it.

They couldn’t give me a full ride because they didn’t have enough budget, whatever. I’d run out of money. I was only coming to America for two weeks and suddenly I’m still here. I was like, “I need a full ride.” I negotiated where I had to get a certain grade point average and a certain amount of points that the conference meets, then that would give me a full ride the next semester.

It’s performance-based.

Changing your belief systems in your body changes your whole reality, environment, and ability to manifest.

Yes. I went 4.0. The coach said, “Don’t worry. You got it full ride. No problem.” That was what I did. I loved it. What happened was a week before the Olympic trials, I had an injury that was career-ending. I strained my Achilles tendon.

Was this strain from over-training or you don’t know?

I do know, but I can share it later. Remind me because it’s important. What I did was I started searching why did I got injured. I was already in the mind-body connection. I was already visualizing meditating everything before then. I’d been spiritual as a child, but through partying I had lost that connection with God and I started to get it back a little. I started searching and I studied kinesiology. I was finding all these limiting beliefs that I had.

The reason for the injury was if I was running on my own, I would qualify for the Olympics. I do well. I was second in the world at one stage for the indoor mile. As soon as I got into a race where the other competitors were international, my muscles contracted and I couldn’t get a full stride length so I was running slower. It would drive me crazy. That’s how the injury came because my muscle contraction through the environmental conditions affected me.

How did you know that was it? I see people can follow the kinesiology, but how did you know it was the connection to the overwhelm or the intimidation of the international athletes? How did you make that connection?

That came later with kinesiology. When I retired from my running and I was studying kinesiology and the science of body movement and how it relates to our emotions, a year later, I was clicking on the TV and I saw the world championships and all the guys I used to beat were running. I was in this catharsis moment. I didn’t have any problem with the injury but I lost it a year later. It all came out of me. It was like, “What is this? I’m going to reignite my passion for my running and find a way to get back.”

I happened to be living in Santa Monica at the time in Los Angeles. The best team in the world was Santa Monica Track Club. I called up. I did this for two weeks. I was constantly calling and sending messages. The coach knew me from the past and I couldn’t connect. I was like, “There’s something in the way of gaining this relationship with the team.” What I did was I started doing some kinesiology on myself. This is when I found out where the injury came from. I discovered there was sabotage from my great-great-grandfather. When he came, he brought his family from Ireland to Australia.

Were those the criminals that they threw out back then? I’m just teasing you.

That’s actually a status side in Australia now but back then, it wasn’t. When he bought his family, the trauma and the stress were locked in the body. It got passed down to his children, my grandfather, my father and finally me.

That’s the normal trauma and stress of clearly leaving everything.

Yes, and immigrating to another country with the whole family. It was about eight of them that moved. That was a total like, “That’s what’s caused me to contract my muscles? This is amazing.” It’s my passion to improve human performance. This is a major game-changer. Within two hours, I was on the boulevard in Santa Monica having some dinner and the coach walks past the restaurant. I jumped over the hedge because I was sitting outside, grabbed him and I said, “I’d been trying to call you for weeks.”

He never got any message. He never got any communication. The funny thing was he only goes down that street once or twice a year. The miracle of the connection. What I found out was because I changed the belief systems in my body, it changed my whole reality, environment, and ability to manifest. I found that all the people that I spoke to try to connect with a coach were also part of the sabotage. I created it with my own consciousness. That’s when I realized, “I’m going to learn more.”

What do you mean by they were part of the sabotage?

When you want to get healthy, and I saw this with my father, you went to all the wrong doctors. The doctors are wanting to keep you sick. You want to improve so you employ this person to help you and suddenly they’re the wrong person because you’re matching your belief system.

Consciously, you think you want to improve your business and your health but unconsciously, that’s not what you believe.

This is back in the early days. In West LA, I was working with a lot of the clients that were suffering from HIV and died. We do the reversal of these belief systems from wanting to be sick and healthy in their body. Their mind wanted to be healthy. As soon as we shifted the emotional blockages in their body, their T cell count went up and they got healthy. It was phenomenal. The drugs weren’t doing it because the body is controlling everything. It’s like how our consciousness is controlling everything. It’s fascinating. That’s how it started and then I said, “I’ll try this for a year. I’ll do this kinesiology for a year. Let’s see where it goes.”

I was going to go to grad school. That was my plan. I never went back. It’s been several years now that I’ve been doing this. I love helping people break through blockages that are holding them back. I’ll say one of the earliest clients I had was this lady. I did the session. I had such a passion for helping people. I did the transformation for her. Afterwards, she looked at me and she said, “I spent ten years in therapy and you got rid of my problem in one hour.”

I was young and naive then. I said, “Why would anyone spend ten years of therapy on an issue?” I didn’t know then. I’ve said, “That’s it. I want to make sure people get rid of the problem in ten minutes.” That was my Olympic goal to get there. Now, I’ve done it. It took me twenty years, but I got it to ten minutes. I’ve been working on that. If someone has a particular blockage, I want it out of them in ten minutes. I want them to get out and live life and enjoy life and create all the abundance they deserve. That’s the story.

You said that the body controls everything. Did you mean the body controls the mind? I’m going to say this. I’m sure it’s not completely accurate. It’s only since the AMA, the American Medical Association, has been around where people and cultures would talk mind and body. Prior to that Eastern wisdom, shall we say, we knew there was that mind-body connection. We know the tip of the spinal cord is attached to the base of the brain. What is that dynamic? My understanding is it’s not, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” It’s fluid and it’s both but is there a driver or a first? Is there an emotion that’s first that creates the behavior?

The emotion can lock something into your body just like when you’re looking over a cliff. If you’ve got fear of heights, your body contracts. It locks in your body. The shocks lock into your system because your energy is flowing. If you suddenly stop it, then it’s going to have an impact on your psychology, on your actions and everything. The subconscious that’s holding all the memories is compacted into one. The body cells hold it. Even though your conscious mind wants something, if you’re not getting it, you got to look at, “Am I blocking this somehow? Is my unconscious blocking this?” How can I improve that or change that to unblock it to go where I want to go?”

TTD 20 | Energy Healing
Energy Healing: When you get that bad feeling, it’s not that that place is bad, but it means you’re meant to be somewhere else.


I would say the body is holding more than the mind. The conscious mind is what we want. Also, the conscious mind is influenced by everything around us. How many times have you been hearing a song in your head and then you turn on the radio and it’s playing? It’s because the energy is in the air. The song is playing on the radio waves.

With that example, what would you say to someone that said, “How could that be the case if the disc jockey didn’t know to write before they put the music on that they were going to play that?” What would your response to that be?

I would say that you’re tuning in with the vibes that are already playing. It’s playing in the air and then you turn it on. It’s a little bit different intuition. You get an intuition that someone is thinking about you and then they call.

Let’s talk about intuition. I know that’s one of your sweet spots. Take us down the intuition path.

Intuition is that gut instinct. It’s that immediate knowing more than thinking. The way I’m describing intuition is we spend all our time praying to God or asking God for help. Intuition is God answering us back. God wants us to have a great life. If we follow that guidance and that intuition, we always know it works. We always kick ourselves when we don’t follow our intuition. That’s God telling us how to live a great life, how to flow, how to stay away from things that are going to hurt us. As I’ve learned, sometimes you get that bad feeling. It’s not that that place is bad, but you’re meant to be somewhere else.

How can you differentiate between the two?

First of all, practice listening to intuition. You got instinct. The first thing I say to people is you thank it. “Thank you, my intuition, for showing me.” Even though you don’t know like you’re meeting a person and you have a funny feeling about it but you don’t know what it means, thank your intuition for showing you. It leads you. This is the trick. This is what I didn’t know as a child when I was so sensitive. When you thank your intuition for showing you the energy that leads you, you know it wasn’t yours. You were feeling the other person.

That’s what you did with me when we did our healing. You probably don’t remember. You have probably done 600 people since then. You said it wasn’t yours to own and that’s why it dissipates.

Most people own it. They have a bad feeling and they take it personally instead of thinking, “A minute ago, I was okay.” The way I learned this is I do spiritual work. I work with spirits as well to help get them freedom. I learned it through a spirit. I was in my front yard and suddenly I felt a spirit come close to me and I started to get afraid. My intuition said, “Were you afraid a minute ago?” I go, “No, I wasn’t.” At that moment I realized I was feeling the spirit’s fear. It wasn’t my fear. This was back in 1999. It opened this door for me to want to help spirits as well as people.

When you say spirit, what do you mean?

It’s a ghost. A person who’s passed over but they’re still stuck on the planet. They didn’t go like Hollywood say going through the light.

They call it purgatory.

It’s a bit different. It’s probably worse because if you’re stuck here, you’re wandering around lost.

Correct me if wrong, I believe that you’re a devout Christian. Is that right? You’re talking about Jesus Christ.


Do you believe in good and evil? Do you believe in the devil like the forces? Take us there.

Just like there are good and bad people, there are good and bad spirits.

There are evil people, right?

Yes. Most of those evil people are run by evil spirits. They’re being controlled and manipulated by evil spirits. Sometimes it is. It’s directly the person who does it and then they recruit evil spirits to work. They hurt people. Others are being manipulated by bad spirits. I wouldn’t say evil.

We’re not going to get into politics, but we’re having this episode now when Russia invaded Ukraine. We can all agree that Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine is a leader extraordinaire. Putin is evil, correct?

Your consciousness controls everything.

I don’t know. My intuition said to not listen to the media and to pray for peace and harmony and focus my energy on resolving the situation because I can’t change anything on the personal level. I can go over there and fight. I can’t do anything. I can’t go and talk to Putin and slap some sense into him or whatever. What can I do? I say, “God, what can I do with this situation? I could see how all my clients or all the people are so stressed with the situation.”

This has been my mantra since the beginning, “How may I serve?” God tells me what to do so I do it. We got to pray for peace and start bringing good feelings among the people so they can keep going forward. Otherwise, people start going to this soup of stress, frustration, terror and everything. The mind starts manifesting these crazy ideas and thoughts and dreams and so forth.

Is prayer a form of energy? When you pray, are you putting positive spirits out there?

Yes, 100%. Are we going to fill the world with all this stress or are we going to fill it with love? Are we going to fill the world with all this fear or are we going to fill it with love? Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” When you have one person who’s emanating love, no matter how much stress you have around you, it starts to dissolve.

It’s contagious.

That was my guidance and direction through this situation. There have always been wars. I lived in Europe. If I walked down the street, I can feel the history of the land. I can feel the pain. Even in Virginia, I could feel the Civil War. There are pockets on the planet that have this energy. When people are weak, they get influenced by this same energy and they start acting out.

I have to ask you because you surprised me with your answer to Putin. I don’t know. I assume you never met Hitler? Is he evil? Was he evil?

I would say he was definitely messed up. If someone has that consciousness to do that to humanity, there’s something wrong. In my work, if someone has still love in their heart, they can’t even think of hurting anyone else. It doesn’t exist.

Help me understand why you hesitate or it just is not palatable for you to say, “Yes, Hitler is evil.” You’re not saying he’s a good guy. I would have thought when I asked that question, you’d be like, “Yes, great example.” You’re like, “Interesting question.” I was like, “Interesting question? I thought that was a thoughtful question.”

It’s because I haven’t looked at it. I know the history but I always check my heart.

I want you to check on Hitler and get back to me because you can feel that.

If I go there, it’s like you’re attracting it back to me. I would prefer not to. I would prefer to put more love into the world than hate than the atrocities. When I was clearing in Europe, the amount of spirits I had to clear out of cellars of people that are hiding from the whole war was so sad.

That’s what it was. You felt people in cellars and attics that were hiding.

People who died there. I would rather feel the energy or the spirit of the person who died in that space and help them to move on because they were stuck. They couldn’t move.

When you free the person of the spirit, have you also freed the spirit to move on?

Yes, that’s what I do.

Where do they move on to?

To the light, to God, to heaven, whatever you want to call it. They get off the planet to go where they’re meant to be going. They are not stuck here anymore. There are some spirits, the bad ones or the evil ones, who don’t like the light. They actually love the darkness. That are the ones who probably ran Hitler’s regime. A normal human would not do those things. A lot of times it’s spiritual.

They’re living in the good of humanity.

I do believe in it. Even bad people look after their families. They love their family. It’s got to be there.

TTD 20 | Energy Healing
Energy Healing: Pray for peace and start bringing good feelings amongst the people so they can keep going forward.


There is that disconnect. If you think of the mafia, you don’t touch the family because it’s the family, but it’s okay for me to kill yours. Help us understand from your area of expertise, one of the many that you have, what is contributing to the chaos of the world now. I don’t just mean COVID. We know that didn’t help, but everything seems to feel unsettled or it feels unsettled to me. My clients, parents, business owners feel unsettled. It’s not just the thrill of the unknown but the discomfort of being unsettled. It’s almost like going into quicksand. You can’t get out of it. Do you think it’s different?

Where you focus your thoughts and energy directs your life. If you’re tired, you’re going to be influenced by the outside to focus your thoughts in a certain direction. When you’re not fully loving yourself and having that expression of loving yourself, you’ll easily influence. It happened to me many times in my life when I’ve been exhausted and tired. I get sucked into whatever the mainstream is saying. I noticed this in the early days of COVID when I would go into a house and I’d see all these dark energies. I’m like, “I got to clear the house.” I would clear the house and the next day, it would be back again. I’m like, “I just cleared this yesterday. That’s impossible. It never happened to me before.”

It’s like how I used to clean my kitchen when I was raising my kids. I clean it and I turn around and it’s dirty again, “I just cleaned up this mess.”

External energy was coming in and messing up the kitchen.

That was easy. We know that those are the little rug rats. We knew exactly who those spirits were.

The darkness of the soul wasn’t a spirit. It was something else that I didn’t know. What I did was I prayed to God, “God, how may I serve? How can I help this home so that they stay clear?” God showed me what to do. I had to do this special blessing on a candle that would burn. As it burned, it would cycle this darkness into the candle. It cleaned the house. I was like, “This is so cool.” What we did is we found out that energy was coming through the media, social media and the TV. It was coming into the house and filling the house. If you’re sitting in this dark energy, your thoughts are going to be influenced by the stress of what’s being projected.

I was like, “This is how much the influence is. When you’re vulnerable, you can be swayed in different directions.” That was my learning. Getting back to your question, “Where do you put your energy and focus? What do you want to achieve? How am I going to have a great day today? How can I improve my day today? What can I do?” You start putting your energy in that direction. It’s like attracts like. You start to attract that to you. The more people that do this, it’s contagious. That was the deal when you’ve got such an onslaught. This is a global situation. It’s not just one state or one city or one country.

Which is why it’s scary.

Is it or is it that it’s just the multiplication of the thoughts of fear that makes it so bad? When I would go in these houses and I had the candles afterwards, they were like, “We’re so relaxed. It works.” They will have peace and harmony in the house. That was by manifesting or expanding or becoming contagious. Those people are healthy, happy and so forth. That’s one example.

It’s interesting that you’re saying that. We sold our house and there were a lot of windows. People would come in all the time and say, “Oh my gosh.” Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying we were Donna Reed or a perfect family but they were like, “There’s such positive energy in this house.” I’m like, “You had no idea what was going on here, who is coming and going, the dog is barking, who’s throwing up, or who’s yelling.” They said, “No, it feels like you created a happy life here.” Other times, you go into people’s houses and you’re like, “It feels dark.” You’re doing this interview very kindly for me from Chicago because you’re at Dan Sullivan’s The Strategic Coach. What does Dan say?

“Your eyes only see and your ears only hear what your brain is looking for.”

That’s exactly what you’re saying.

It’s true. Why would people say that about your house when you know its history? It’s because the land under the house could be influencing the energy of the house. A great example is I had this couple call me to clean their house because they were having marital problems. As soon as I walked into their house, I felt the separation energy in the house. I said, “Are you guys sleeping in separate rooms?” They said, “No.” I’m like, “The energy is so strong for separation.”

We talked about it. What happened was they knew it wasn’t them because when they left the house to go out, they were happy again. They were like their normal relationship. When they came home, they were always fighting. We did the clearing and then they said, “Now, we feel harmony in our home. We feel the peace and love.” We did some research on the property and we found that there had been a bad divorce in the past. Every couple that moved in upwards, separated. The energy was still in the property and it was causing separations. They had such a loving relationship. They knew something was wrong with the house and not with them because they go away from the house and they’d be happy. It was a beautiful home but the energy there was causing separation.

Wouldn’t you feel that when you walk into it? People will walk into my home like, “This is such great energy in here.” Wouldn’t you feel the negative energy?

Me or anyone?

Not you.

When you look at the house, it’s beautiful. Probably all the couples that came before them thought it was beautiful as well, but then the energy of the house start to influence their thoughts, sleep, interactions and so forth. It accumulated.

I’m going to get global on you now. You just made me think of something. If a structure has an energy history and is left unattended, it grows and becomes more powerful. Is that the right way to say it?

It accumulates like dust collects in a corner. It attracts more dust and then you got a whole dust pit. It can accumulate good energy or bad energy. It’s like attracts like.

No matter how much stress you have around you, it starts to dissolve when you have one person who’s emanating love.

Does that happen to countries?



I’ll give you an example. When I was in Los Angeles in ‘91 during the riots, I was in one suburb and there was no damage. I walked down the road and there was this one road that separated two suburbs. One was completely destroyed. You will walk down the road and all the windows were smashed and there was stuff all over. On the other side of the road, nothing. That’s the consciousness. The consciousness on one side of the street was propelling the negative on the other side of the street.

It actually kept the space clear. There were no guards or protection. It was just the consciousness that was protecting. When you go to countries, especially Europe, where there’s so much history on that land of all the wars and everything, it has an influence on the people. You go to parts of the US and you feel free because it hasn’t many wars.

Also, the borders. It’s like in Europe, it is so permeable. The energy is flowing. Is that it?

I had my first experience because I grew up in Australia and the US is also one big country. I remember once I was on a train with a friend and suddenly, “The energy just changed.” I said, “What happened?” He said, “We just crossed the border to Germany.” There was a distinct energy difference between the two.

Another time I went to where they still had a little piece of the old iron curtain or the wall separating Austria from the Czech Republic. I would crawl under the wires just to pretend to escape. I can feel the difference. It’s one field but I can feel the difference between one side to the other. This is amazing how these simple things can have such an impact on consciousness. It’s not nature. It’s got to be the human impact.

When I’m doing a clearing on a property, I make sure I seal the property so that when you step on your property, you feel like you’re hitting into your castle. You feel safe and secure. You step back off the property and you feel all the dramas of life. Making the space where you come home, you recharge or replenish all your energies so you can go back out and deal with the world.

How do you seal the property? Do you do an energy seal?

It’s special healing where you’re adjusting the magnetic grid on the property. The Earth has a lot of magnetic lines. I’m adjusting the magnetic grid. A big part of my prayer and my biggest belief in God is freedom of choice. We all have freedom of choice. It’s free will. My rule when I’m doing the prayers is that nothing outside these property lines will be influenced because they didn’t ask for it. Those people living next door didn’t ask for this. It was great when you have bad neighbors because I seal the property and then suddenly, they could still be bad but it doesn’t influence you. I’m putting that part into it and honoring God’s gift for us of freedom of choice and the free will that I’m not interfering with someone else’s reality.

This is one of the reasons why parents care so deeply about who their children hang out with.

Kids are vulnerable. The parents can’t control them 24/7 so they’re worried. It’s not a mental thing. It’s a deep-rooted knowing in your heart of what’s good and not good.

Also, for adults, if you hang out with the adults that drink every night, odds are eventually you will hang out and drink every night. You’re the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with. That’s consistent throughout life. There are so many other areas that I’m fascinated by. What is it that we haven’t touched on that you’d really like to go deeper into? Because I could have you on for five hours.

This whole thing is about relationships. I got a calling to start to work with men to help bring them back to masculinity. I’ve been praying for a couple of years to do a women’s workshop and God finally gave me permission in 2022. I’m like, “Finally,” because I help women individually.

You weren’t ready for us. You can tackle men. We’re a whole different ball of wax.

It was a group because I can do it individually. I’ve had so much success with women’s relationships and how to trust intuition.

What have you experienced? I know you said it’s only been a year with the women’s groups, but you’re a guy. You’ve been dealing with women your whole life by hook or by crook. What do you notice has been the biggest difference, challenge, obstacles, the good, the bad and the ugly between working with the men and the women?

One hundred percent, it’s the closed heart with the women. If the women’s heart is closed, she’s surviving with her mind. She’s not in her authentic feminine power. It can be trauma, conditioning or society. There are so many different possibilities. I was working in China. When I was in China, most of my clients were Japanese women. They had totally shut down. When your heart is open, especially with women, you start glowing. Your energy starts flowing out because that’s your power. Your strength is in your softness and your heart. Having that energy come out, it’s your big magnetism.

It’s your electromagnet. Your heart is beautiful. If you want something, you can manifest it. I’ve watched it when I do the balance of the masculine and feminine with women. How many guys will rush to help a woman because they’re being nourished by the feminine energy, but if a woman is trying to be a man or trying to protect herself or close her heart, then there’s no respect from the men. They lose their dignity. There are so many things that happen as a result.

TTD 20 | Energy Healing
Energy Healing: When you’re tired, you’re going to be influenced by the outside to focus your thoughts in a certain direction, and when you do not fully love yourself, you’ll easily be influenced.


What do you mean when you say when a woman is trying to be a man? I know what that means from a business sense, but tell us more about that.

Trying to be a man, instead of being themselves. I had a client. She’s a beautiful woman. She called me because she had issues with relationships. When I was getting ready for the call and I pressed, I was shocked because I was expecting a man. When I was preparing for the session, I can feel this masculine energy. I looked and there is this woman there. I thought it was a man I was working with. I was like, “You’re beautiful looking but the feeling you’re putting out is masculine. If you’re trying to have a relationship with a man, it’s two men butting heads. It’s not going to happen.” When the woman gives the world her feminine power, energy and creativity, then everyone comes to serve her. When her heart is closed, they don’t even know she exists.

I have such a mundane thought as you said that. A gentleman opens a door and holds the door for a woman. It’s not chauvinistic. It doesn’t mean the woman can’t do it, but it’s being a gentleman. It’s part of what you’re saying about reaching out to a woman.

When a woman puts out their energy, the men can’t even control themselves, “I have to serve her.”

What is happening now where that is such a big deal? You’ll open up a door for a woman and she’ll be like, “I can get it.” I’ve seen that and I think to myself, “Of course, you can.” As my mother would say, “You don’t have two broken arms.” What’s the threat to your energy?

It’s conditioning. Women had been suppressed for so long. This is my perspective. As the women’s revolution in the ’60s, they started teaching their kids the same thing, the boys, the sons and so forth. Now, the men are trying to come back. There’s too much conditioning. There’s going to be a transition like the pendulum is swinging in a different way. When I used to go on dates, if a woman wouldn’t let me open the door, I knew it was over. There was no chance of me in a relationship because I love to serve.

I say that lovingly about the dinosaur, meaning the ’60s.

It had to happen.

To get society’s attention, you have to have the extremes. Quite frankly, I don’t care if you wear a bra or not. Who cares on some level as long as they respect? The pendulum does shift. How is the shifting impact the energy? I understand what you’re saying about the light going to light, but it feels harder to find the light. You know the person that when I’m like, “It’s a beautiful day,” they’d go, “You know it’s going to rain in two days.” I’m like, “Yeah, but it’s a beautiful day out today.” Is it the social media, the 24/7 sensational or if it’s not bad news, it’s not news? Is it the same?

It comes back to what I said before, where is your focus? What are you focused on? What you focus on will manifest. As Dan says, “Your eyes only see and your ears only hear what your brain is looking for.” Where are you focused? This is why I started working with men because I could see this problem. I said, “The guys need to be men so the women feel safe so they can shine in their own giving of the love.”

When a woman is around a man, she can be a man outside of a relationship to protect herself, but when she comes back to the relationship, she wants to be a woman. She wants the man to protect her. Energetically is what I’m talking about. I’m not talking about she could be making more money than him. It doesn’t matter. It’s an energetic transfer where there’s harmony and that’s what grows love.

I could never say who told me these things but I worked with financially incredible successful women. They make a ton more money than their husbands and they’re okay with it. On the one hand, it’s not the issue. On the other hand, what they will say to me and only to me, knowing I will take it to my grave, is like, “I’m tired. I would like my partner and my husband to maybe be able to carry this load.”

I feel like there’s a little bit of a conflict, even for the women out there crushing it, if they do have to take on. Here’s the question. If a woman has to be out in the world and have a persona of a male, it’s not really who they are. They know that, but they have to present in that way. Let’s just say they’re in private equity or investment banking. Otherwise, they’ll be crushed. Can you do that? Can you spend a moment being other than who you are energetically knowing it’s not real and then when you come back?

You come back and transition back into your authentic self. I’ll use guys as an example. They go off to war or they go to work then they come home. If they don’t transition, they’re going to destroy their home because that’s the energy. They need that transition time to let go whether it’s going for a run or sports or walking or just sitting and reading the newspaper, and then they can say, “Now I’m calm down to the energy of the home. I can be with my family.”

If the women also learned that, you need some transition time or going to a spa or getting your nails done or something that transitions you. It’s like, “I feel better now. I’m back to me.” Some women can do it fast. They had this gift where they can transition from masculine to feminine fast because they were balanced in the masculine-feminine. If they’ve pumped up the masculine so high and their feminine is left behind, it’s hard to transition. We’re going to work on bringing them equally. Even though you’re a woman, inside you still need that balance of the masculine-feminine.

It’s so funny you say that. When my kids were little and I would go to work and I would drive home, all four of them would come running to me and I’d be like, “Time out.” My ritual, and it was my transition, is I would have to go upstairs, change my clothes, go to the bathroom and come downstairs and I was ready. It wasn’t five minutes, but I needed to change my hat from professional to mommy and then I was ready. I always found it quite bizarre. As they got older, I would walk in the door and they were like, “I need to talk to you as soon as you come downstairs.” It was interesting. What do you love about working with women that you so eagerly wanted to do it?

It’s their intuition. They have such a good connection with their intuition. I don’t always listen to it, but they had such a good connection. They call it women’s intuition. That’s the same.

Why is it different from a man’s?

Men are too mental. Too much in the mind or too much in physiology. They’re not listening to your logic. They’re not listening to that intuitive. The only ones that do are extremely successful when they’re following their gut instinct are the guys. It’s the same thing. It’s trusting your gut instinct and following through with what you feel, then it’s not a thinking. It’s a knowing and then everything flows. I love women because when I’m working with a woman and we open her heart, you’d get blown away with the love that pours out. It’s like being under this rock. The whole place changes. Even on Zoom, I can feel it. It’s so powerful. They’re glowing. It’s like, “Now you can manifest your life. Now you can relax, enjoy, create and so forth.” That’s the joy for me.

If men will follow their gut, they can put logic or reasoning behind it in some way. They say we’re more emotional, but we feel it. It’s our instinct. Would you make the connection based upon vulnerability as well that women then inherently are more trusting so they will trust their feelings where men are more not as trusting so they want evidence? Is there any connection there?

Where you focus your thoughts and where you focus your energy directs your life.

Emotions and intuition are slightly different for me. Intuition is a knowing, whereas emotion is a feeling. The language we use is a bit hard to differentiate. The man who listens to his gut instinct has the ability to slow down one second per minute to sense it. Whereas most guys are rushing because they’re leading with their heads. I know myself. If you don’t slow down for a second and trust what is the truth, you’re going to do something stupid. It’s the way we are. I remember when I’d worked with couples who are real estate brokers or real estate developers, the ones that work together, how many will be successful, the man or the woman?

The man would use his logical brain to get five properties and then your wife can check them. She will tell you, “Yes, no, yes, no.” When I did that, it was always a winner. When the man would override the woman’s intuition, “No, the numbers are better this way,” they will always screw up or blow it because he missed an opportunity to work with a gift that’s right there in his own home. That’s when the combination is such beautiful harmony when they worked together. The man can be influenced to listen more to his gut instinct, which is helpful as well.

It’s so funny. What I say is the male and the female complement each other and that’s the beauty of it. It’s not a completion. It’s a complement. Every sales team should be a man and woman because the man will get the analytics right and the woman will get the nuance. She will hear what’s not being said even if the guy is saying, “Yes, this is great. Let’s do it. We’ll get back to it.” The woman is like, “I’m not so sure. I noticed something,” because people don’t always share their objection with you. You might have to quiet the objection before it’s even spoken. You work with children and parents bring you in to help with their children. How does that play out in like ADHD?

I worked from before birth to my oldest client was 105. With children with ADHD, I remember one child that shocked me. This is a long time ago. The parents brought him in because of his problems with school. They were concerned about putting him on Ritalin, drugging him and so forth. I checked him and I said, “He’s doing this on purpose.” I said, “Do you know what you’re doing?” He goes, “Yeah.” He was using other kids’ energy to get what he wanted. He is being sensitive. He’s absorbing and taking all their energy so he could use it somewhere else, but that’s not healthy because he wasn’t using any of his own energy. I’m like, “This is what’s going on. The reason he was bouncing around was that he had too much energy because he’d been taking it from other kids.”

This is one extreme case. When the kids learn to develop their own energy, they calm down because it’s a bit like the hope and the heart for the women, the energy starts to come out instead of absorbing it in. For the other kids, sometimes it’s a chemical imbalance. Sometimes they’re just sensitive. It’s the whole thing about their feeling someone else’s and taking it personally. They’re not thanking their intuition for showing them what’s going on with the other person.

Since boys still can’t be sensitive, they are more diagnosed with ADHD perhaps inappropriately than girls, because girls are allowed to be more sensitive.

Also, there are a lot of kids that have a gift with that sensitivity, but our society doesn’t accept that as a gift. Many years ago, I asked myself this question, “What if this weakness or this sensitivity is a strength?” When I asked that question, my whole life changed. Everything transformed. I started to attract the right teachers and everything to support me to grow this gift instead of trying to suppress it.

I find it so interesting that having been a high-level athlete helped you develop all these skills because good athletes are so in tune with their bodies. You’re tuned in to what you eat and how you sleep. You did all the appropriate training and yet you’d be in a hotel room before an event. All of that went out the window and you knew it wasn’t all the prep work that you did. I would imagine there’s more of a connection. Let us know a little bit more about that.

That’s when I started to ask the question, “Why is this hotel room affecting my performance?” When everything else is so controlled in my preparation, I go to this hotel room and I ran exhausted. I go to this other hotel room and I run fantastic. Why should our environment influence us? I’ve learned a lot since then. That was before I started my work. That was the big question I wanted to answer. I had great questions that drove me forward. My passion for improving performance and human abilities is so strong in my life that it’s what’s driven me with this work.

How can I help someone get better? How can I improve their lives? There’s always this, “How can I help them here?” This passion for getting someone to a new level of growth or stability or happiness or joy or spirituality, whatever it is, I’m always looking, “God, how can I help them?” I always go to God because it’s so much easier than trying to read books. God will give you the answer for that particular person, not a general answer.

How can you help someone or would you have been able to have developed the skills you developed if you were not a believer in God?

I would say, I wouldn’t get the results I get without it. When I look at my clients who believe in God and my clients who don’t believe in God, what I know is I was looking at what’s the patterns. I know it was always harder with people who didn’t believe in God because there was resistance. I didn’t know what the resistance was for years. I would get exhausted trying to help them. What I found later was the belief in God allowed you to be able to ask for help outside of yourself. They didn’t have their belief in God.

They didn’t know how to ask for help outside of themselves because they thought they had to do everything themselves. Even though the more I have teams in their companies or whatever, their communication wasn’t there because they didn’t have this ability to ask outside of themselves for help. That was the big part. When someone comes in with this ability to ask for help, they received so much more. “Ask and you shall receive,” and so forth. When someone has the ability not to ask the help, it’s like you’re fighting against the wall.

What about the person sitting on the fence? Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. It depends upon the day.

Sometimes I’ll ask the client, “Do you believe in God?” They say, “No.” I’m like, “Huh?” because I can feel God with them. I can feel the love with them. I know that God is there, but the word God was a bit distorted in their consciousness. Maybe it was religion or maybe it was upbringing or whatever, but God is there. I can feel the love near them. They have so much history in their life and positive experiences. They have God with them. They just don’t have a relationship. They don’t have the talking and the connection.

By telling them that like, “This happened,” then they start remembering all the things that made them relate to that. They just didn’t know what it was. It can be that as well. The atheists that don’t believe in God, there’s one person who is a complete atheist and I just love his work. It’s funny because he’s doing a lot for humanity, but he doesn’t believe in God at all.

Do you think that on some level that person does believe in God may be and not in the word of God, that it’s just not in their consciousness?

I believe every soul knows God. It’s just how covered up that relationship is with lifetimes of trauma or stress, activities. That’s what box, just like a woman with a closed heart where there’s a rock over her heart. She can’t communicate herself. As soon as the rock is dissolved, everything flows. Everyone has love inside. They just need to let it come out of them.

You love working with women. What relationships do you hear the most that become the most powerful for them?

I would say it’s opening the heart.

TTD 20 | Energy Healing
Energy Healing: It’s just the multiplication of the thoughts of fear that makes it so bad.


It’s themselves.

Yes. Loving themselves and forgiving themselves is huge. Some of them don’t even realize they don’t until I ask them to say it. It’s like, “I can’t say it.” Sometimes it’s genetic. It’s not even them. It’s ancestral.

Is it genetic or familiar? Is it in the genes?

It’s genetic. It’s being passed down generation after generation. It’s like the oldest story of why does the woman cut the ends of the ham? It’s because grandma had a small oven. It’s the same thing. Even my great-great-grandfather with his muscles while the transitioning from Ireland to Australia. It was passed down through the generations. Knowing that I can see how it was passed down through my lineage. It’s the same thing. Sometimes it comes from the womb. The mother is carrying the baby and she is so stressed that it goes into the baby and shuts the baby’s heart. The baby, all her life growing up, is closed down and doesn’t know. She has no idea. It’s nothing to do with her but she has been carrying it.

Did the mother get it from her mother?

She can or she had an experience while she was pregnant that she passed onto the baby. Sometimes I can feel a push back like a strong breeze is coming at you because the heart opens and it speaks to me. It’s this loving feeling. The woman starts crying. She goes, “Why am I crying?” I was like, “It’s because your heart is open. Your energy is flowing. You’re finally free again.”

What is that like for you? You described that and it felt like, “Who wouldn’t want to be you in those moments?”

It’s amazing. That’s why I love my work. I can do the same thing for years with exactly the same healing. It’s so much joy because I get hit with this love every time from these women. It’s beautiful. That’s the way the world should be. If there is more love in the world, it would be a different world.

Do you think there was a time when the day-to-day living wasn’t as complicated? When we were working on the farm, even though you were working very hard, do you think there was a time when there was a simplicity to life that people were more in touch with themselves in the love?

I would say in the early days of work, I had a lot of farmers. I can tell the difference between the farmers and the city dwellers. There was more grounding with the farmers and more relationship with the Earth. Whereas the city dwellers are being influenced by so much energy around them. When I’m in New York, I get to get out after a while because it’s too intense for me but it’s just energy. It’s a lot of people together.

Let me ask you about that. Fast-paced, New York, “If you can make it there, you can make it everywhere.” That’s clearly not for everyone. I had a visual as you were speaking. My husband and I are watching Yellowstone. Do you watch Yellowstone on Netflix? It’s in Montana. It’s cattle and farmers. It was just cattle. It was gorgeous. Even a city person can appreciate it. You contrast that to New York where I’m picturing myself leaving Grand Central Station, the subway that takes you from the suburbs to New York, and I’m literally feeling the tall skyscrapers. Is that an energy that constricts? Even if you go into that and you’re not looking for it, it affects you.

It affects everyone because you’ve got energy compression. What does the body naturally do? It protects itself. It starts to close down, and then people get hard because they close down. When people are open, they’re more loving. It’s easier. When I lived in Hong Kong, I love Hong Kong. It’s an amazing city, but I had to fly out of Hong Kong to go and relax because it was so intense. The city is very different from New York.

You could love Hong Kong and not New York?

I love New York but I couldn’t live there. I can’t spend much time there. There’s also a lot of history in the land of New York. A lot of things have happened over the centuries.

Do you mean revolutionary stuff or even more?

Yeah, the battles and the warfare on the land. There’s so much that happened on that land there. With the concentration of human energy in one space, there’s no space to breathe. You go there before Christmas when it started snowing, it’s like the whole city changes. Even though people are stressed, there’s a calmness. Something is happening with the energy and the consciousness in the city and then it’s back to normal after that.

New Yorkers would say it’s magical to spend Christmas in New York. That’s what they say.

Yeah, because it’s a lot calmer than normal. I would stay in Jersey and come across to do work in New York.

What is the correlation between the profession someone chooses and their energy?

If they choose their profession with their heart or their soul, everything flows. If they choose a profession because of external influences, family, friends, colleagues, whatever, then it’s environmental conditions I have to, then it’s going to be harder. That’s the correlation. When you’re doing what you love, everything flows. You’re so happy and then you give that to the world. When you’re doing something that you don’t like, it’s a grind. Everyone else is stupid around you because you’re exhausted.

Your eyes only see, and your ears only hear what your brain is looking for.

That’s the correlation. I work with a lot of clients to help them to get in touch with what’s their truth. What can they give to the world? What’s the gift they can share as Dan talks about the unique ability? What’s your unique ability to contribute to the world? Life is great. You need to build a team around you to support that. They are doing all that they’re good at.

It’s energizing when you do what you love. It feels like it’s energizing. Everybody has the same amount of energy. It’s just how it’s used or manifested.

It’s this energy. Energy is one thing. Spirit is another. Your soul, what your spirit is wanting to do or give, you start to create energy instead of doing a job where you’re just using up energy and getting exhausted. When you’re creating energy, you’re giving to the planet through your actions.

What happens to the energy and the spirit when you die, if you don’t get stuck?

Depending on your soul’s journey, you’ll go wherever you need to go. Your spirit leaves your body. Have you seen that CBS show, Ghosts?

No, I haven’t.

It’s absolutely hilarious. I love it. The spirit just leaves the body and goes to where it’s meant to be. It’s not stuck on the planet. Whereas the other ghosts in the house are stuck. They didn’t get to go.

Do you believe in a form of reincarnation?


How does that play out?

Your soul has many lifetime experiences on the planet like 400 or 500. You will come back and you’ll have more experiences on the planet in different forms. We carry the information in our souls. We don’t remember because there’s a gap between reincarnations in a few hundred years so we start to beget consciously, but the soul remembers what’s the truth and what you’re here to do or not to do.

You said before that you’re an old soul. Is that literal? When you were a kid, you said you were an old soul.

I don’t know but I think I’ve been around a few times. I’ve had an experience where when someone told me about a past life I had. I was like, “Let me check it out.” I got nothing to do with this life. I don’t worry about past life. I went to the South of France and I went to this place and I said, “This looks familiar,” but I’ve never been there before. It was to the point where I was walking up a trail. I said, “This doesn’t feel right. Are they here?” I look under the undergrowth, I can see an old trail. I said, “I have been here.” I could feel where I had walked before. It’s like déjà vu. People are saying, “Why is it a déjà vu?” Because you’re remembering something from a past life.

I heard somewhere that neuroscience is amazing now. Things that we didn’t realize that we thought were woo-woo, we can show neuroscience too. It’s a placebo effect of a drug. If you tell somebody it’s a drug, the brain lights up as if it’s the drug so it works. It’s fascinating. What I’d heard was that we now think intuition is our generational history that consciously we don’t know but we’ve inherited or something. Is that anything similar to what you’ve said or totally different?

I would say that is true for the subconscious and how the subconscious affects our physiology and our body, but intuition is direct from God. It’s like having your computer, which has all the memory from all the generations there, but you can only access that information. When you have intuition, it’s like you’re connected to the internet and suddenly you’re connected to everything. Intuition is more like the internet whereas other stuff is the conscious and subconscious. Everything is in the body just like on the computer. It’s not connected to their Wi-Fi.

That’s a great analogy. You’ve been so generous with your time. I only have two more questions. The first one is, what is the most important thing you’ve learned in life that you want everyone to know?

Trust your intuition. When you feel uncomfortable for no reason, say, “Thank you, my intuition, for showing me.” If it leaves you, you know it wasn’t yours. If it’s still there, you know it’s yours and you got to deal with it.

That is great. What is the last book you re-read?

One of my favorite books is The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. I like his writing style. The last book I read was called How We Got to Now by Steven Johnson. It’s got six stories where it goes through all history of how we got to our present. One was glass like how do we use glass and where did it come from. One was cold like air conditioning. How did it come to ice? Where did they come from? It’s fascinating to me to see how humanity has evolved over centuries in directions, and how a new invention or a slight tweak of something can transform humanity to go in a different way. That fascinates me.

Usually, the new invention was accidental. That’s fascinating as well. How can people find out and learn more about you? I know people are going to be checking you out. is the website. If you go there, you can download a special technique or The Cutting Off Technique, which is absolutely brilliant for any relationship, stress, trauma or whatever. When you have to deal with someone who’s sucking your energy or draining it, you do this technique and then it’s instantly gone. When I teach it to my clients, they’re not having a great day and then I get this phone call and suddenly, after twenty minutes they’re exhausted. I do the technique and suddenly, they feel great again. The person calls back because they disconnect. It’s cutting the cord and disconnecting from the energy suckers.

TTD 20 | Energy Healing
Energy Healing: If a structure has an energy history, and if it’s left unattended, it just grows and accumulates like dust collects in a corner.


You have more energy. One thing I say to people is it’s all about energy balance. When someone has more energy than another, there’s a transfer of energy. Sometimes when you have a friend who’s sick in the hospital, you want to go and support them. You want to give them energy because they need it, but then when you leave, you want to make sure you use The Cutting Off Technique so that you can replenish your energy to go back the next day and give them more. If you don’t disconnect, you’re just drained 24/7.

They are pulling up the plug. It’s like your phone. You have to recharge it.

Using this technique, people can download it straight from the website.

Anything else you’d like to say before we conclude this interview?

I wish everybody all the best. Trust your intuition because God wants you to have a great life. Open your heart to give that love to the world.

Thank you so much for all the work you do and for sharing all your love and helping people get a great life. That concludes this episode. I am sure you would agree that Kim White did not disappoint. Make sure you go to his website, download that tool, and check him out for yourself or anybody else that you know he will be able to help. Before you go, make sure you like, comment, share and subscribe to the show.


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About Kim White

Energy coach to leading entrepreneurs such as Dan Sullivan and Gino Wickman, ghostbuster, space clearer, runner – I am many things. Most of all I am a healer.

While training as a track and field athlete in the U.S. for selection in the 1992 Australian Olympic team. I observed something puzzling: despite everything being controlled in my preparation: sleep, food, training, etc., the hotel room where I slept the night before a race affected my performance.

Then, a week before the Olympic Trials, I injured my Achilles tendon. Devastated, I began a search for answers about my injuries and the effects of external influences on performance that put on a life-changing path to become the coach and healer I am today.

I received my Bachelor’s in Business Administration from Northern Arizona University, where I was attending on an athletic scholarship, in 1993. While studying, I won numerous awards, including Academic All American for Cross Country in 1991.

However, the die was already cast. Rather than pursue a Master’s in international business, I moved to California to continue my studies in Kinesiology and the body-mind connection. There, I met my Spiritual teacher, Victor Barron.

Victor taught me how to do Spiritual Healing and Clearing using many ancient Shamanic and Spiritual Healing methods while having God and Jesus Christ as the core foundation of all my work. He taught me methods of energetically clearing and changing the environment to align it more with my client’s goals. He also taught me how to use my gifts to help people remove their pain and blockages. In April 1994, I moved back to Australia to continue my practice in Perth.

I have now been consulting as an Energy and Business Coach and Space Clearer for over 25 years for clients in more than 35 countries. I continue my studies with Victor Barron to improve my abilities and increase my spiritual strength so I can help more people.

I am also proud to be Dan Sullivan’s Energy Coach since 2006.

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