Are You Bored to Death With Your Marriage/Relationship?

Are you bored to death with your marriage/relationship? Are you bored with your relationship? Anyone who has been in a relationship for any length of time can easily find himself or herself bored and in a rut.

If your marriage suffers from “bored out of your mind syndrome” – you are not alone!

Many couples unwittingly fall into the same old pattern – killing both the romance & chance of longevity for their marriage.

You know what happens.

You go to the same restaurant every Saturday.

You practically have the same conversation every night about the same two or three topics.

Sometimes it feels as if watching paint dry would be more exciting than spending one more minute with your partner.

Danger Zone

Being bored in your relationship puts you in the danger zone – for infidelity!

#911MarriageHelp  #MarriageExpert  #CommunicationExpert

~ as published in The Huffington Post

Rekindle Romance and Happiness in Your Relationship,

Dr. Patty Ann


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