4 Ways to Prevent Boredom From Destroying Your Marriage/Relationship

4_Ways_to_Prevent_Boredom2 Are you bored with your relationship? Anyone who has been in a relationship for any length of time can easily find himself or herself bored and in a rut. This is not an unusual problem for many couples.

Going to the same restaurant every Saturday. Having the same conversation every evening. It’s enough to leave you yearning for some excitement!

Dangers of Boredom

Becoming bored with your relationship is a very dangerous thing.

Approximately 25% of respondents in a recent survey by Good in Bed said boredom within their relationship contributed to infidelity. Click here to read more about this survey.

As common sense would suggest, the longer you are in a relationship, the more likely you are to get bored with it.

Normal life cycle events such as living together, getting married and having kids all contribute to the development of boredom in your relationship.

4 Easy & Proven Strategies to Cure Boredom in Your Relationship

~ as published in the Huffington Post

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