Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn and her husband Thomas Vonn:
Ski Slopes to Swimsuits – A Gold Medal relationship
Anyone watching the 2010 Winter Olympics www.thewinterolympics.com in Vancouver, Canada on the NBC network knows the name Lindsey Vonn. For those of you who aren’t sports fans, Lindsey Vonn is arguably the best female downhill skier in the World. In spite of the fact that she suffered a serious shin injury while training in Austria a few weeks ago, and it seemed doubtful as to whether or not she would be able to compete in the 2010 Winter Olympics; on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2010 Lindsey Vonn not only competed but became the first American woman to win a gold medal in the Olympic downhill ski race in Vancouver, Canada.
So what does any of this have to do with relationships? Lindsey Vonn’s husband is credited with playing an extremely significant role in his wife’s success. Thomas Vonn, himself a former Olympic skier often serves as his wife’s coach, advisor, mentor, friend, psychologist and overall stress-reliever for Lindsey. The team effort put forth by Lindsey and Thomas Vonn personify the qualities of what makes a great marriage: support, encouragement, honest advice, cheerleading, a united front and a sense that they are in it together.
Lindsey Vonn has been known to call her husband up to the starting gate prior to a big race to calm her down. She calls and he comes. Lindsey Vonn knows her husband has her back; and whatever comes around the corner, they personify the fact that they are in it together.
Let’s rewind for a moment. Four years ago, in the 2006 Olympic games, Lindsey Vonn suffered a violent crash during a downhill training run, dashing her hopes of winning an Olympic Medal. In the four years following this crash, Vonn has won some of the most prestigious awards in her sport. After winning her second overall World cup title last year, Lindsey Vonn came to New York for an interview with Dick Ebersol, a major NBC sports executive which was held at Rockefeller Center.
Following the crash mentioned above, many have commented on how much more confidence Lindsey has when she skis. And Lindsey would agree with this assessment – while immediately credited her gain of confidence to her husband. And while Lindsey in gaining international fame for her feats upon the ski slope, she is also in a whirl of controversy over her most recent photo on the cover of The 2010 Sports Illustrated
Swimsuit Edition – lindseyvonn – sports – illus_n_450438.html
And once again, to no one’s surprise, her husband Thomas is by her side, supporting her unconditionally.
The point of this blog is to show how so much more can be accomplished when a couple works as a team. Whether we are regular folks trying to raise a family or Olympic skiers trying to win gold – you have a distinct and powerful advantage if you have a partner beside you who unconditionally supports, encourages, mentors and loves you.
Dr. Patty Ann
[email protected]