Everyone is experiencing financial stress due to the horrible state of the economy. How has your relationship been impacted by the economy?
What couple hasn’t felt the stress & strain of these financial times? It is important to recognize that your relationship is not a slave to the state of the economy. This week’s upcoming e-zine shows you how you can recession-proof your relationship in these financially troubled times. And what’s more, it won’t even cost you a dime! The title of this week’s e-zine is: “The Easiest Way to Recession-Proof your Relationship”.
Join me for more information on this topic on May 27, 2009 @ 2:00pm EST when I am the relationship expert guest speaker for a tele-seminar titled: “7 Relationship Survival Secrets If Your Spouse Loses Their Job”. Information is found at www.metromom.com and look for the link for this special call that you won’t want to miss!
Building Together A Relationship Filled With Love, Health & Wealth,
Dr. Patty Ann