Relationship Toolbox™
Quick Start
This is a MUST HAVE for you if:
You feel as if you are talking to a wall when you talk to each other
You and your partner are drowning in communication problems
You don’t know how to talk to each other without it ending up in a fight
You talk and talk and talk about issues but nothing ever gets resolved
Your partner doesn’t listen to you
Your partner accuses you of not listening to them
If ONE or MORE of these sounds like where you are today – we need to talk.
With this starter kit you and your partner will resolve your issues identified above and get so much more such as:
Learn effective listening skills, techniques and tips
Revealed for you – how what’s not being said may be destroying your relationship
The power of non-verbal communication
Tips to interpret and understand non-verbal communication
If you and your partner are struggling with communication, this starter kit is a must have.
If you are not effectively communicating with your partner, your relationship has entered the danger zone. You will be astounded by how the Relationship Toolbox™ Communication Starter Kit Reignites your relationship – and it all begins with learning her secrets for communicating with your partner.
Communication is the cornerstone for a healthy, happy, intimate relationship. It’s easy for couples to stop listening to each other – especially if you feel you are not being heard. Even if you think you communicate well and you believe you are really listening, your partner may not feel they are being “heard” or listened to.
This Relationship Starter Kit is a 2-for-1 Special
The first module contains secrets for effective verbal communication
The second module reveals the power of non-verbal communication.
*And if that isn’t enough, the Starter Kit also includes a fabulous BONUS*
BONUS – Communication Exercises that will skyrocket your relationship to a whole new level! You haven’t seen these Highly EFFECTIVE Communication Exercises anywhere else before – EVER!
With this Starter Kit and With this Bonus –
Communication in your relationship will propel your relationship to new levels of intimacy, connectedness and happiness you once only dreamed of.
What are you waiting for?
Your relationship is too precious to settle for anything less than great.
And that is EXACTLY what you get with Dr. Patty Ann’s Relationship Starter Kit.
New and Effective Communication Secrets are only a click away.
Price: $97