How do you re-ignite your s-e-x life?

Money might make the world go round, but Love and S-E-X sure keep it interesting! Share with us your secret for keeping your s-e-x life alive, without being X-rated!

You can have S-E-X with someone you don’t have an intimate, loving relationship with. But would you want an intimate, loving relationship without s-e-x? Which do you think is more important for your relationship: the intimacy or the S-E-X?

This week’s relationship advice e-zine titled: “Re-Ignite Your S-E-X Life” or “How to Fire It Up” discusses the role of intimacy and its influence on your S-E-X life!

Building Together A Relationship Filled With Love, Health & Wealth,

Relationship Advice

Dr. Patty Ann

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